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Devil's Cornfield Sunrise

leo burkey

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These clumps of Arrowweed appear as shocks of corn in a harvested field. The presence of the plant growing on the sandy mounds indicates a shallow water table. This was taken just before the sun cleared the far mountain range on a chilly November morning in Death Valley.
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Leo, this is superb! I have seen few images of this location and this is far and away better than any I have seen. It has your signature all over it; the expert PP, the decisive composition and the stellar light and color! Those mounds look like some ritual has been conducted. The ritual of a very fine landscape photograph I would say!
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I just posted one of my renditions from the Devil's Cornfield, and I am so pleased that we have such amazingly different interpretations. Personally, I think yours is spookier, darker, and more bleak; somehow reflecting an even more alien landscape that what I've managed to pull off. Frankly, kudos to both of us, Amigo. This is some pretty cool stuff we have going on here! Cheers! Chris
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Way too cool and the colors are just fantastic. You and Chris got some great captures of this unique part of Death Valley. Boy did you guys get some clouds that last day...Lefty
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These clumps of Arrowweed appear as shocks of corn in a harvested

field. The presence of the plant growing on the sandy mounds indicates

a shallow water table. This was taken just before the sun cleared the

far mountain range on a chilly November morning in Death Valley.

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Maybe my favorite of your recent shots, although you have so many good ones. There is something about the austere foreground subject joined by that amazing warm and luxuriant background that makes this extraordinary. I've really enjoyed all of your new work from your recent Amigos trip.
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I've been rambling through your "places" folders to see where I might like to go on my next "walk-about" and this image has me convinced I need to see Death Valley and surrounds. These magical moments are what life is about for me, doesn't even matter if I don't photograph it, it's just BEING THERE to experience the solitude and beauty. Have you ever been to Organ Pipe Cactus Nat. Mon.? There's a small primitive campground there (you have to register at the visitor's center) and the surrounding area is wonderful. A short hike from the camping area is an abandoned stone house and some corrals, neat place. Keep posting so I can travel through your imagery. 

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I have been to Death Valley six times now and I enjoy it every time I visit. My latest trips have been with my Photonet pals, Chris Harris (Bear) and Ray Banfield (Lefty). We met on Photonet and have been photographing together for about 4 years now. We call ourselves the "3 Amigos" and have become the best of friends. If you are going to visit be sure to see "The Racetrack" ( see all our images of this magical place) were boulders move, mystifying scientists all over the world, Artist's Point, Badwater Basin, and of course the Mesquite Dunes.Thanks for visiting, Susan, it's always nice to hear from you.
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I understand totally about meeting and becoming best friends with folks you've met here on PN, Shawn Shahan, Kim Barton and I have become the best of friends and share many an outing. I've also met a few other people who I really have enjoyed. Now I just know I have to go to Death Valley, maybe in the winter....

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...definitely in the winter!  Pretty much not fit for man, woman, nor beasties in the summer months...


I hope all is well with you, Susan; nice to see you out and about!  Cheers!  Chris

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