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Commanding Presence

Wayne Sadler

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A single limb made known its presence and demanded its proper place.

Most of the trees, the mist and I did our best to comply. The one evergreen

didn't care. I would appreciate any comments and critique.

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You did a great job highlighting the tree and branch in the foreground. They really pop out of the image and I very much like the fading background trees. I found the bright spot in the top center to be a bit of a distraction from the mood of the rest of the shot. Overall a very striking image that makes an impact.



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Thanks, Philip. You are right about the distraction. I think I tried to ignore it because I am not that skilled at "burning" areas. Thanks for the reality check.
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The bright area at the top aside, I find this a very pleasing and well composed image. My compliments. Regards, ~~~~~~~~~Linda
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Thanks, Linda and Giorgio. Your notice and compliments are encouraging and allowed me exposure to your art. I will comment on my particular fascination with your work.
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I often wonder why, when most of the trees are bare, there will be one small branch still alive with color....just waiting for us photographers I guess!!!! This is lovely.....the serene mist, the touch of color. I can almost feel the damp, crisp air!
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Jeanne, thanks for noticing. I think you described the wonderment that drew me to this image. Reviewing your portfolio has created another fan - Wow.
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Autumn captured in its essense. Life receding from the trees, returning to earth, yet present in a wonderful last splash of colour. Well seen and captured Wayne. The mist really adds a strong quiet and restful atmosphere to the scene. I love it. I do agree with previous comments that the highlight at the top takes away a little from the strength of the image. Well done. Pat.
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As always you know just what magic to add to a already beautiful scene. Did you put the leaf on the left bottom rock or was it already there? Wonderful capture. Patsy

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Thanks, Patsy. I must admit I had some internal debate about the crop and that one leaf. Thanks for noticing. Still not sure about it.
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A wonderful composed capture with so much atmosphere in it that you can touch it, feel it and smell it. The mist in combination with the sporadic clear coloured leafes in the center is excellent photography as I see it. The lighter spot is no concern according to me, the image works fine with or without it. You should be proud of this little masterpiece. Great presentation with elegance and style but also your image is telling a story and that story touch you...as I was touched. Take good care my friend and all the best from Jannica in Stockholm Sweden.
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Thanks, Valentyn for your notice and comments (and the introduction to your art). I immediately recognized that I have seen your work. It is obviously a style I should comment on.


Thanks, Jannica. I really appreciate the notice and comments of a master of light and dark. your critique and analysis serve as education for me.

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The contrast is lovely but I think you have rather a lot going on here. Perhaps focusing on a smaller area might have generated even more of a pop feel.

Still, I rather like it the way it is. I don't think it needs the pop. There is a contemplative quality to it.

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