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© c2000 David Haynes

July in Walker County, Alabama


Kodak 10-inch Wide Field Ektar, #12 filter, f/32 @ 1/25 second (developed in ABC Pyro)


© c2000 David Haynes

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A note to those commenting on image size: I earn my living directly from the sale of my photography. If I upload images of sufficient size to see every detail, anyone who wants the photo can drag it to their desktop and output on a digital printer. Aside from the potential loss of revenue from selling the print itself, the resulting digital print of a downloaded image could never approach the quality of the prints I make from large format negatives. I spend hours upon hours in the darkroom printing every image to the best of my abilities. This way, I know that everything that leaves my studio is of the highest quality I can produce. Relinquishing that control is what's at issue for me. For that reason I never upload anything over 40 or maybe 50 kb so no one will be tempted to make a print as described above. Besides, if it's a good image, 50kb should be able to convey that and whet the appetite to see the real thing.
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Smart idea to scan images for the 'net such a small size so people cannot use it. I had images, even here, taken and manipulated without permission. its a head ache.


Your series here looks great! People were not intimidated by your big 8x10 camera?

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I have to agree with others who commented on it being small. I'm a retired professional and still sell photos. If I have something I think is so valuable I would just never put it on the net anywhere at all. If someone wants to steal it they will no matter what you do. I found over the years that the people that steal never buy anyway and honest buyers who want quality will never steal. If you want to share it with other photographers it's nearly insulting to tease us with something that looks like it might be interesting and then make it too small to tell anything. It is too small and it has less to do with file size that with frame size and clarity. Yours are some of the less clear images I've seen and my old eyes can't hope to see them. It's too bad but I just won't click on anything else with your name on it as I know I'll be disappointed from the start.
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