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© c2000 David Haynes

Sunday Morning at Hatchet Creek Trading Post


Schneider 72mm XL, f/16 @ 1 second


© c2000 David Haynes

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David, this is an interesting ambiguous picture. Is it part of a series? Pity the scan is so small.




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Great shot. I want to head south for a couple weeks this summer just to find places like this. Out in "the sticks". I agree that the scan makes it difficult to see any detail. I suggest,- if you are using PS, when you save it to JPEG, resize (reduce) the image width to 3.2 inches. That way the medium size will exactly fill the screen of your average 15" monitor, and the large will fill the screen of a 17" monitor.
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when I looked at the photo, I first noticed the ladies, because they did not look real. I'd prefer a bigger scan, too. but I insist that the lady in the middle looks just like models we see on shops-having an engaging, silent beauty. all she has to do is sit and be admired.

otherwise, the setting is chosen well. however, the men all seem a bit artificial, uneasy, posing deliberately. maybe it's because it's their first and last pose forever.

good luck


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A note to those commenting on image size: I earn my living directly from the sale of my photography. If I upload images of sufficient size to see every detail, anyone who wants the photo can drag it to their desktop and output on a digital printer. Aside from the potential loss of revenue from selling the print itself, the resulting digital print of a downloaded image could never approach the quality of the prints I make from large format negatives. I spend hours upon hours in the darkroom printing every image to the best of my abilities because I know that everything that leaves my studio is of the highest quality I can produce. Relinquishing that control is wha't at issue for me. For that reason I never upload anything over 40 or maybe 50 kb so no one will be tempted to make a print as described above. Besides, if it's a good image, 50kb should be able to convey that and whet the appetite to see the real thing.
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i loved your work friend, although i would think that if you have used a Black&White film, it might turn out a nicer work
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Sorry to barge in again David.

But, the shot is the group on the left (wonderful).

I don't think the guy in the doorway helps at all.

I would honestly have moved closer to the table and put that rectangle around the seated group...they're in a wonderful position and that would be an excellent example of this genre.


Incidentally, I think your toning is too strong...but I know what I like and this picture is almost there for me.

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Real "Judge Roy Bean" stuff. Little Big Man was just outside tying up his hoss while Wild Bill Hickock was on the other side of the room playin' poker with Billy the Kid. This is a Larry McMurtry book in pictorial form. Really enticing and friendly picture. If the guy in the doorway had been left out it would have looked too staged (no pun intended). Just right the way it is.


("When you say that, smile...").

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Just a note on image size... I'm gotten prints made from my own digital pictures. It takes an image size of 1000 x 1200 to make a really blurry and mostly useless 4x6. Any prints bigger than that end up mostly just a blur. So uploading an image sized 600 x 800 or so isn't enough quality for anyone to make a satisfying digital print, but it's big enough to see onscreen a good amount of detail, that's important to the pic.


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