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Michael is practicing cursive writing and gets frustrated and carries on at all levels of the spectrum of expresing emotions; screeming, throwing and braking pencils and then goes on and complete his task.

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Alexa will turn 4 on November 24 and she loves to do homework with

her brothers every day as a volunter. Michael and Daniel do their

homework with ups and downs in their dedication. As their are in 4th

and 2nd respetively the material is getting more dificult by the day. They

are both in the gifted progran and it is very demanding.

Rates/comments Appreciated. Thank you for looking.

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Hola Jorge. Me encantan la pose y expresion de la hermosa Alexa. Las tres fotos son muy buenas. Thanks for sharing. Saludos!
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estas fotos me recuerdan los momentos de lucha en la escuela por tener mi trabajo académico listo...!. Muy buen complemento de ésta foto de Alexa y con la de tus otros nietos, incluyendo la temática de la vida cotidiana y familiar, son muy interesantes. Las fotos tienen un muy buen marco de referencia, estilo y creatividad. Buen trabajo...!




P.D. : Espero que saques unas muy buenas fotos de ALEXA el 24.11.09 en la fecha de su cuarto cumpleaños, ya que ella es muy fotogénica.

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A beautiful and expressive photo of Alexa - she must be another gifted student in future. Thanks for your comments on my photographes. I'll try to find out the book mentioned by you. Best regards.
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This is a beautiful capture and really taken,well...I like the way of looking and her pose...Really nice composed!



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Nice series and well familiar situation....sometimes funny and sometime serious....well presented and explained.
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Alexa seems in a bit of a daydream ...perhaps lost in her 'coloring'....makes for a very cute photo, and one I think you will look back at many times in the years to come....she's a lovely little thing.......very nice family Jorge!! You are a very fortunate man..........sincerely, Gail
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Lindas fotos de los chiquillos, esta princesa esta en un castillo lejano de color azul, los chicos , maravillosos, te felicito por tan linda familia, alentados y buenos, Jorge, well done!
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Dear Jorge…..you must be very proud about your beautiful children, they are very lovable……….

You captured sweet Alexa in an excellent natural pose………

Her look and expression are really marvelous………

My warm wishes to all of you.


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Estan destinados a que en unos años tomen las riendas, aunque ahora les cueste, el trabajo y el esfuerzo les dara su recompensa. Gracias por compartir esos momentos de intimidad en los deberes diarios. Felicitaciones. Un abrazo. Vicente.
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Hello Jorge. You have a wonderful model at home !!! the girl is fantastic and You can make a great portrait of her "feminine" touch.


cheers Jana

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