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Morning Light


Kodak Tri-x 400 pushed to 1600. Toned in Photoshop.

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I wouldn't worry about being a beginner, you're already pushing film, with success I might add, and making excelent use of light and shadow. I'm a beginner myself and I haven't had nearly the success with black and white film as you've demonstrated in this photo. As for croping, I'd leave the photo as it is. I think the body changes the nature of the picture compared to what it would be with just the hand and face and since you've made such an excelent use of light and shadow on the body I see no reason to eliminate your handy work.



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Joseph, this is indeed a strong start. Your use of lighting is effective and dramatic without being overbearing, In composition, I'd have shifted the subject *slightly* to the right of the frame to let the hand share the centreline with the face a bit more. Strong image.
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I just picked up an old Epson 1650 scanner to scan some 6x6 and 6x11 negatives, but I thought I would try it out on some 35mm too. This is one of my favorite photos, but I wanted to see if I could pull out more shadow detail and get a better "print" with my new scanner than I did with my amateur-ish wet darkroom skills. Voila! I'm pretty impressed with the results from this cheap-o scanner. I've replaced the photo in my portfolio with the new version, but here is the old version if anyone wants to compare.

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I have made a better print of one of my favorite photos, and I'm

curious to hear others' opinions. Better? Less moody than the

older version?

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