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© (c) 2000 www.danheller.com

The people in this photo gives an awe-inspiring perspective on just how big St. Peter's Cathedral is. This image is from my series on <a href=http://www.danheller.com/rome.html<Rome</a<.


Canon EOS A2, 28-105


© (c) 2000 www.danheller.com

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This photo is amazing in my eyes, even with the small scan it shows great detail and composition. Hope to be able to reach such levels in the future.
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8 for aesthetics because it's so beautifully composed and timeless, 8 for originality because I can't figure out how you managed to hold off the hordes of tourists (most of whom must have been smoking cigarettes) leaving just the couple in frame.


Very, very nicely done, well thought out, a grand vision.


P.S. August 6, 2001, Updated rating to 9/9:


Comment: Now that I've been there (since the first part of my comment), I'm even more amazed. I tried like hell (forgive the pun) to get a comparitive shot to this and couldn't manage it, not even close. "Hats Off" to you, Dan Heller!



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beautiful photograph- it's really amazing how empty St. Peter's appears to be-

Nice work . . .

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I love this....but I'm wondering if the people were added to this shot later. I have some pix of St. Peters and while indeed large, this looks to be a bit much.


Of course I could be wrong. Wonderful either way!

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I´m surprised of the perfection of this photo. You have combined in masterpiece all the deep & majestic, in only a simple photo, of the way the Inaccesible take form in our world. The most beatifull and perfect of all buildings mankind had dedicated to God, but made by human hands, is blessed by the Light (the simple epifany of light that all photographers search), and very small, in a liliputien size we can see the man and all his fragility at the feet of that Light, make us thinking that all the most awesome things that exists (and that are beyond our comprehension) were made for him, we the little ones.
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Interesting to see how you have it composed with the couple just outside "heaven's rays"... as if they were not quite ready (or worthy) of meeting their maker. I'm not particularly religious, but this is the imagery that comes to mind.


On a completely different note, I know this picture has been posted for quite some time, but like a previous poster, I was also wondering about the unbelievable scale of this photo. Has there been any manipulation, or is it truly that big? Unbelievable - both the image and the monument (and your folder).

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I've seen many of these types of pictures, so the originality is low. I have a scan that I thought was illegally posted because the two look so similar. However, like all of these, I am amazed at the beautiful exposure, it looks like a painting. I'll have to post my scan, it has two priests walking illuminated by light. And yes, St. Peter's is the largest Church in Christendom so the scale is very accurate, though I haven't checked the latest record books.
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You have captured the sense of overwhelming grandeur of so many of the great cathedrals of Europe. The composition, especially the converging verticals which convey the size of the structure and the great lighting all add to the effect. I salute you.
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Dan makes it perfectly clear on his website that he sometimes adds things digitally to his photographs (like the lightning in his Golden Gate picture) so yes, he may have done something here with the light rays or the people. But then St. Peter's IS pretty huge and manipulated or not this is one heckuva powerful image. Nice work, Dan!


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It's a beautiful photograph.

I read that the statue of liberty fits inside San Peter's Cathedral.

I'm planning in going to Italy for my honeymoon, and hopefully can take some great pictures like this :)

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Nothing to complain about.Even those people over there made me realise the buiding's hugeness and they are nice placed.I am very impressed.Well Done!
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I don't know if I'm commenting on a photograph or an image, if you see what I mean. It's a very powerful image, so I'll give it high marks.


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Hi,i d'ont want to comment about the thecnique,(a shift lens could be more adequate!)but for the ambiance ...it is a very very good image :the goal of a good photographie for me is to restitue the ambiance ;feel like i am there.And this photo give to me this feelling.
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