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© Copyright 2003, Brian Long




© Copyright 2003, Brian Long

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The shot might be Out of Focus. And so What?

People, like the one above, are sometimes obsessed by the rules to the point of forgetting to see. They look at and don't see!

Here we have a shot that tells a story: Violence in Motion: Of course is out of focus! Were it sharp and defined and the feelings transmitted would have been lost!

Great photoreporting! Congratulations on an excellent folder

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I disagree, while it is a good action shot I feel it would be better if these shots were sharp. I'm not sure what happened, but in several the background is in focus, while the human subjects are slightly blurred/out of focus
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I'd pull her ears too if she was protesting the war in the Middle East. I guess she'd rather have the Butcher of Bahgdad pointing his WMD on American and Israeli cities. Remember 9-11.
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I like the photo but have no hope of viewing this, or many of your others, on my 17 inch monitor and that is just the medium size. I think that if they were a little smaller, one could appreciate the whole a little better. Admittedly, it is tricky with a portrait oriented photo.
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It's a good shot. Does it maybe just need sharpened rather than being out of focus. It's sometimes difficult to concentrate on camera technique when you are in the thick of it.

Would be nice if you could get the shot to the girl in question so she can make a complaint. That kind of behaviour is neither required or acceptable. These sort of heavy handed police tactics are how peaceful protests can get out of hand.

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I was at the same march along with about 1000 other people trying to frame shots against the Washington Monument.


It's difficult to catch a moment like this and the contrast between the long jaw of the middle aged man pulling the kids ears makes a strong statement.


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i can forgive the blur. fantastic irony that the police are dragging away by the ears a girl wearing a martin luther king badge.
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yeah... Terrible police tactics. It would have been much better of them to hog tie her with zip ties and drag her away. sheesh... darn cops... doing their jobs... anyway, she got off easy. I tell my kids everyday that all their actions will cause something to happen. I guess she should have been left where she was with total disregard to others around her. (They don't matter... only her and her rights do... right?) Is she sitting in the street? Were other Americans and foriegn tourists/nationals put out or their lives interupted by her actions? I wonder how many other local crimes were committed while all these officers were here babysitting? I wonder if she'd care or even thought it far enough through for it to dawn on her? Do you think she knew this might happen before she did what she's doing? I wonder what the families and friends of the 911 victims would think of the officer pulling her ear (such violence!)? Well, all in all a good photo. Yes, a bit blurry but, looks like things were really moving here. It does evoke emotion which I'm sure was the intention. Kudos!
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