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Lisa is a beautiful girl. You have focused very well on her eyes. She has applied her make-up very well. The background is nicely neutral and Lisa is well separated from it. Her skin tone is excellent. Her catch lights are a little dim, but a nice size. She has an interesting pensive, yet sad expression. The contrast is very good, but I would like to see the whites of her eyes a little whiter. I would also whiten her teeth just a tad.


If I was going to cut that much into her hair I would have cropped more on the bottom to better balance the top and the bottom of your image. I would lighten the blue vein that is by the corner of her right eye.


You have hardly cut into her far eye with the bridge of her nose and it isn't at all objectionable, but I wish to point out a potential problem. Be careful of split profiles. You do not want the tip of her nose to come close to touching the far cheek line. You want to make sure the far eye is either completely showing or not showing at all. You do not want to have the bridge of her nose cut her far eye.


Your subject should have more room in front of her than behind. This allows her to be facing into the picture, not out of it. You want to compositionally balance the left and right sides of the photograph. The compositional "rule" for this suggests that you position the tip of the subject's nose in the vertical center of the photograph.


Very nice shot,



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Thanks for all the excellent comments. I debated the vein and left it in thinking that it didn't bother me. But I would agree that the portrait would be more "pure" without it. I appreciate the detailed comments on the positioning of the face I will pay closer attention next time.
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