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© Tom Hanson Photography

Just out for a walk

99% camera 1% photoshop.


© Tom Hanson Photography

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i think this is very nice , the only thing i do not like is the hair thing sticking out the top of her head. the dress is very nice and the pose and concept are solid
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This is a good shot, I like the side lighting from the sun. The lady's pose looks very natural and relaxed, and she looks at ease and very comfortable with you shooting her - which is more important than anything else.


What sort of lighting have you used here apart from the sun? It looks like you've used a reflector or a flash. Looking at the shadows on her arms & her left leg I can't really tell whether it's on the camera, or whether there are two flashes either side of the camera. It's hard to say how you can improve the shot without knowing what sort of equipment you own or have access to, but I'll try anyway:


It's hard to see much detail in the black part of the dress and in her hair, so could benefit from some diffused light coming from the left of the camera - perhaps a large silver reflector, or a slightly warm-gelled flash coming through a large umbrella or softbox - aimed at the dress, to reveal some texture in it.


A bit of slightly diffused light - again, either flash or reflector - coming from above and maybe slightly behind her on the left, to light up her hair and reveal some texture there.


Maybe try moving yourself a few degrees clockwise around her so that the sun becomes more of a backlight than a side light. Or even try having the sun completely behind her, just to see what that looks like. Depending on how high/low it is, it could produce a really nice backlight for her hair.


Also it might benefit from a bit less exposure on the ambient light just to make the background colours look a bit more saturated.


I hope that helps, and sorry if it sounded like a really harsh critique, I just wanted to give some suggestions because I like the photo and you said you wanted tips to improve it!


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