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Neon bouquet

Shutter 1/125; F:4; ISO 400

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I like it Christal. Another interesting and fun effect. I wonder what it would look like if you inverted it? Best wishes, Linda
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Thank you all for taking the time to comment and/or rate this. I appreciate it. I still can't get my head around digital alterations, but I see some outstanding ones here on this website, so I've decided to play with some different ideas.


Linda, do you mean simply to invert.....meaning turn 180 degrees....or did you mean with the color? Here is the inversion......looks kind of cool that way. Thanks for your input.



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Hi Crystal,


My first thought was of a time warp to the early 70's - in a dark room with a black light on, and a funny smell in the air! Oh, now I've just dated myself.


Seriously, it's a nice effect - a study of line and color. And, it looks like it was fun to create!


Btw, thanks for your comment on my "Dog Beach" photo. We all have a great time there, despite the sand tracked into the house afterwords . . .


Best, David

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Thank you for taking the time to comment on this.....glad you liked it. I still prefer non-altered photos best, but sometimes the urge to 'play' and create things like this just proves too much. :-) I just recently got CS4 (which I can't load until I get a new computer). But once I leave the primitive editing program I have now, you may be seeing more of this kind of thing from me.
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Holy Neon Batman. This is so cool! It's like what you get when you cross an Impressionist with a lava lamp. And I mean that as a compliment.
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A cool effect. Composition wise I like the second version ( inverted ) with the sign of some flower going up in the dark BG, still both if them are creative approach, they look like an" advertising" of flowers....;-))
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