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Valladolid, Spain. 2001


Some people tell me at bottom to explain a little more how I make this picture. First I do 5 photos with the camera in the tripod around the landscape then I scan them and I put together in photoshop. The colors you see are touching up adding more saturation and some other effects separately to the sky, the earth and the grass.I use 5 photos to create a panoramic one.

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The coulors of your photograph depict such an

harmony that brings tears in my eyes....

Wish some day i'll be able to "catch a moment

like yours" with my camera....

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Did you paste them together yourself using photoshop, or did you use some sort of image stitching software? If you used other software, what was it?


The picture is lovely... I love the colours!

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Thak you to all of you. It's great to know that there's someone besides me, who likes my work.


answer to Neil Enns... I only use Photoshop but it could be other program because it isn't so difficult to do it.

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I like this great photo, but what lens is used in this picture? ... 16mm?




"Nada como España para recorrer sus caminos,


conocer sus gentes y degustar sus vinos."






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beautiful picture.


The truck is a nice touch showing a diverse color and adding depth - your eye lingers over the scene and then comes to the truck on the right which finishes it off nicely.


What film, lens, camera, filters did you use? Any digital mods?


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Nice job...gives the vastness of the landscape, but the truck brings us back home. I am still struggling with over saturated colors...I have to admit that I like them...even though they seem unnatural. Maybe I should try shooting some higher saturated films. Again nice job on the photo montage!
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