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© copyright 2003 Dave Paduch

Crystal and Connie

dave paduch

Well Connie got back to us and brought her twin sister. We shot in studio and this is one of the set. Lighting was with a 800ws strobe through a softbox in front and above them, and a 400ws strobe reflected in an umbrella to their right.I used an 80 iso setting, f3.2 and 1/125 sec exposure.


© copyright 2003 Dave Paduch

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It's a very nice clean shot. The only comments I have is that the hair is a bit messy around the shoulders, and the legs are also all over the place.

Did you really shoot at f3.2, the dof looks more like f8 or f11.


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Ya, I find with the E-10 that you get a monsterously huge depth of field in general and I was shooting at a fairly wide angle here which just increases that. So ya, 3.2 it was.


As for the hair and feet, that was actually a styling choice. With the feet is was part of who they were. Crystal, on the left, was the quieter more contained of the two, and Connie is far more aggressive and open. They sort of naturally put their feet that way and I only moved them a bit to help with the flow of the composition. The hair is loose 'cause I didn't want the shot to have a formal look. Straightning out the ends would have taken away from the casuallness too much and with the expressions they have, I don't think it would look as relaxed as I wanted it.


Other's milage may vary of course. Heh. Thanks for the comment.

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It looks like you've caught them playing with each others feet, which gives it a fun spontaneous look, not the usual gratuitous swimwear shot.
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