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Woman In black


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My wife and I went for a walk and I saw this wall that was getting some

nice lighting from the setting sun. This was a narrow alley about 20 Ft

wide so I put the flash on the camera (580EXII) and bounced it from the

opposite wall for some fill. I had to correct the WB in ACR since it was

too red.

Thanks for your thoughts/feed back

Alex Elias

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Perfect title for this beautiful portrait, Alex. Her expression, attire and colors are unique. Excellent exposure and DOF. Good shot! Best regards!
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Alex, no estoy viviendo en N.Y. sólo fui de paseo en Julio y sigo subiendo algunas fotos, tengo algunas que voy subir después. ¿ tu estás en Florida?


Saludos y qué estés bien.



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David thank you for your comment.

Alberto you vivo en California. Cuando andes por aca dejame saber y nos juntamos para sacar unas cuantas fotos.

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You have a beautiful wife. She is in very good focus. The contrast is very good. Her skin tone is good. The sunlight works well as a backlight to help separate her from the background. The background goes nicely out of focus.


She is posed a little bit to straight on to the camera. Showing your subject’s widest areas (shoulder to shoulder or hip to hip) makes those areas appear wide. Your subject will appear thinner, more feminine and more graceful if turned at an angle to the camera. The lines you see from the side have more apparent motion, interest and grace.


I would tone down the specular highlight on her face. The lighting is quite flat. It would be good to have more shadows. Judicious use of shadows can create the illusion of depth within your photograph.


You want to compositionally balance the left and right sides of the photograph. The compositional "rule" for this suggests that you position the tip of the subject's nose in the vertical center of the photograph. She needs to move to her left.


I know it is the style now, but I still think it is tacky to have a bra strap showing. The pendant on her necklace is off center and the clasp is showing in front. She doesn't look very happy.


Thank you for putting your name on the mat where it belongs.


Nice shot,



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Thanks everyone for your comments. Specially Mark, I appreciate the time for your lengthy and objective review. It is a good eye opener.




PS: Mark when you refered to her posing being a bit up front. Do you mean the body her face or both? I seems to me that the shoulders are in a different plane creating that dynamic diagonal line.

As far as the nose being on the center line; it's funny you mentioned that since it did cought my attention when working the image in PS as not being quite as good as I could be and that very thought came to my mind, that she should be more center. The reason I kept her there (without trying a different crop) was that I did not want to sacrifice the backgroung which was what cought my attention in the first place.



PS:1 I forgot to add on the posting that next to us we had a bored 4 yr old daughter and one upset 17month son that did not give me a whole lot of time to shoot. Which is actually good it made me work in a hurry and try to make the best in a short time. I should go back there.

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Muy buen retrato, despues de leer la sabiduria de mark y tu sabia respuesta, me facino con lo que hay que aprender. Esta imagen es preciosa, muy buen tono de piel. Muy bella tu esposa. Yo empese con mi SLR Canon 40D el primero de Julio del 2008. Tengo 60 años, y trabajo de consejero en un Middle School. No pienso retirarme hasta los 100. Asi que pienso ser fotografo por largo rato. Me a encantado siempre este arte de las imagenes pero no sabia del mundo de SLR hasta que mi amigo Jose Garcia me embullo. Ya supe que vives en California, San Francisco? Tengo un flash como el tuyo estoy bouncing the light. Warm regards.
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