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© @Carlos H


human images


© @Carlos H

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This may not be the best wedding photograph ever and I can see how the bride might not think it is great. But, I think it may be the best image of a bride (generic) that I have ever seen. I would elevate this to one to the top ten photos ever on this site.

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It's not a wedding photograph. This is a street photo. This is not for the bride, this is of a bride.

The brides head is "down" because she is looking at the people down the stairs (maybe a photographer, maybe family) at the people looking at her. She is clearly posing for them.

The dress is below her because she walked /up/ the stairs and turned around, without pulling the dress behind her.

It's a wonderful image.

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I've looked at the photo which imo is definitly an eye catcher.

and reading over some of the things mentioned about it tech wise would tend to agree with some points made. There are some blown out areas - some things could have been done differentl etc etc.

But in general - it is somewhat of an abstract... being such, the artist has full rane on the abstracted form as they see it.

I don't know if that is indeed what this artist was shooting for - or if they were intentionally shooting for form - or flow or just thought - hey this looks pretty cool, but all in all, taking the photo in as a whole it does leave one with some questions, raises emotions, and even skews the persception due in part to the skewed perspective of the bride...

is she going up or down the up or down stair case or perhaps floating...

it definitly throws you with the walls being so stark and ridgid as well as the verticle lines the flow seemingly either fights with or do they complement - your mind questions what your eye sees trying to take it all in - which does it obsorb more the hardness or the softness - the brightness or darkness..

It's pretty bizarre - surreal and dispite technical flaws if they are such - it definitly has one looking - and looking deeper into the photo.

and to acomplish that... well that is not as easy an artistic feat nor as  technical a feat as some may think, yet many have failed to point out.

Good bad or indifferent - the artist keep you looking and for some - second guessing.

imo of course...

interesting photo and perspective indeed Carlos - I find myself turning my head this way and that while looking...

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This is more than an interesting picture. Nearly immaculate and almost perfect. I could wish my eye was that perfect and my hand so sure while chosing moment and time. Still I can't cope with the point of view, missing the face of the bride. And one way or another something is wrong with the composition. It is a picture that attracts the attention but doesn't hold it in the end. The elves have done wright chosing this image. Because all is in it and still there is something wrong. I can't really lay my hand on it what is missing, is it the pose of the bride that provides a sort of estranging effect? Certainly it is a 7 and I congratulate the maker.

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This picture made me stop in my tracks. All I said was wow! What a wonderful picture just the way it is. I wouldn't change a thing. I saw that some photographers put up their own version of what would have made the picture appear better but honestly I like the kind of mood and tonality you captured. If I were the bride, that picture would have made my day. A beautiful, graceful picture. Bravo!

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Herman Roes:"...Because all is in it and still there is something wrong. I can't really lay my hand on it what is missing, is it the pose of the bride that provides a sort of estranging effect?..."
It is what I was thinking too, that something is missing in the picture. But now you cleared that for me. I think it is that pose that gives estranging effect. Her head and torso are mixed up visually, though shapeless. There is only one mass of a body that is visible.

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to the Elves…
over the last three years rarely, if ever, did I agree with your choices for POW, but that all changed rather dramatically this week.
I appreciate whatever criteria guided you toward my picture. It’s a tremendous hit to have a photograph on the front page of PN. I’m amazed nearly ten thousand people have so far seen the picture, compared with barely five hundred views the shot garnered up until a week ago.

I have about two hundred images in my gallery and I would be hard up if I had to choose which shot I’d like to have represent my work. One picture can never do that of course, and it would be impossible to pick one anyway – but if my life depended on making that choice, and I had to consider the total lineup, I’d place ‘Bride’ around the thirtieth or fortieth spot. Nevertheless I sincerely applaud your effort in the challenge you face every week, a difficult if not impossible task, in deciding POW among literally tens of thousands of photographs.

and last please allow my brief moment in the sun to suggest a few artists you may consider as future recipients for POW honors.

a little background:
the lands surrounding my building are very attractively landscaped and on occasion are used for garden parties or as backdrop for weddings. The view from my balcony above gives me a terrific sort of bird’s eye view of everything around, below and above. This time I was checking out what was going down below curious watching the photogs do their thing. And sensing a picture myself went to get my camera.
the shot is a total fluke in that only afterwards I recognized just how eccentric and distinctive the picture turned out. The event itself was rather lavish and upscale. Expensive. Even no expert am I, I could see the glamorous and spectacular wedding dress. I can’t quite say the same for the bride and it would bad form anyway, but I never actually, directly, saw her face and can’t say if her beauty lived up to the extravagance one sees in those horrid pristine wedding magazine covers in all newsstands. But I’m absolutely certain she’s plenty beautiful or just as beautiful as she needs be.
The ceremony was professionally recorded by two photographers, a videographer, and one assistant tending the other three. A few moments before I shot this picture, the head photog was setting the shot, directing where the bride was supposed to walk down the stairway, framed from below so as to get the glorious tail of the dress draped over the stairs above as partial background. The scene was meticulously constructed and I must say from my perch above looked pretty impressive, and I imagine more spectacular yet if seen close-up from where they stood.

But it was not to be. The unexpected happen too fast and took me and everyone else by surprised. In an unbelievable moment, the believers in god amidst the invitees, probably interpreted the timing as a direct omen from the big Kahuna himself, as a mighty powerful wind spiral descended between the tree branches and a tiny but powerful cyclone motion created in an instant massive havoc, with everyone going into a sort of panic and our bride valiantly trying to no avail to tame her veil, and the out of control wedding dress. That’s the picture moment that now grants me bragging rights as recipient of the POW.
The funny and incomprehensible is that not one of the cameras below recorded the event. Its astonishing to me not one photographer recognize the offering, which really is what that was. A few minutes later they got back to business, and all returned back to normal.
a few of the comments considered how the picture impacted the bride but I can’t tell since I never saw her again. I think she may be the daughter of someone who lives in the building and I’ll soon be making some inquires. Time has passed already and for all I know she may be divorce by now. Either way I’ll stop procrastinating and get to tracking that bride down... ;-) She really really must have a print of the picture and I intend for her to get one, plus I’m curious what her reaction may be…
to those among you who managed to not only write your impressions but went as far as offering an alternative view of my picture, a big thank you. To my friends of long standing a big thank you. And to the others I hear from for the first time, thank you very much indeed – as time allows I hope to get to know your work, one picture at the time.
And last a special thank you to those who now consider me interesting – my children definitely need to hear that, and I’ll make sure they do.

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Beautiful, Excellent and Masterful image. The choice of moment counts. Unique Photography. Congratulations Carlos.

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So elegant and beautiful.......I have to say even more intriguing with the story of the capture. Truly wonderful!

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Carlos llevo mirando esta imagen gloriosa por una semana y por inticion no me decidia a decir lo maravillosa qie la encuentro. Ahora que leo tu explicacion me atrevo a decir que es genial y que captaste una maravilla de momento. Como intelectUAL QUE ERES ATRAES UNOS TIOS MUY INTELIGENTES QUE USAN EL IDIOMA A LA PERFECION. Me encanto leer todos los comentarios muy elocuentes y instructivos. Todos son como criticos de arte muy experimentados. Un par de abrazos.

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Well deserved. Visitor's new to Carlos' portfolio ought to spend some time browsing through the entire collection - many gems here, & gives a better sense of his overall body of work. a rich collection of 'human images'.

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Interesting shot - it's almost like an Escher - can't tell if she's level or descending stairs - or flying, with wings outspread. You've turned her into an angel.

Great work


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The almost vertical angle conbined with the soft lighting created a flat photo that tricks the eye, it's very interesting.Logically the veil of the dress should be behind the bride, as she steps down the stairs, but Carlos prefered to set it that way. Open arms, ready to take off, joyful, embracing the world.Very nice work.Regards

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Hi Carlos, an amazing picture. I am interested in knowing details, of the lens settings, any filters used and any post-processing done in photoshop or any such editing tool.  If you dont mind, would you please share the details? thank you.

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I just placed this into my favorites. I don't need to tell you did good. Everything that any photographer would want in an image is happening right here. Breath taking, impressive, stunning, I can go on forever.

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