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© Seven/ Pinnacle Panoptic



At times the heart aches to tell the tale of its experiences during a shoot, That which is beyond the reach of the physical eye alone; this folder is dedicated to such times.

(Due to number of cameras and media involved, I've elected to leave the custom data fields blank - seems fitting in a way........ )


© Seven/ Pinnacle Panoptic

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I don't know what you arranged here but it is cool in every sense. Long I haven't see such beautiful B/W "colors".

It is hard to believe but there is pure white as well as pure black in it. (I have just checked it.) It is not very clever to ask "what is it" when looking at abstract

pictures but if it is a shark mouth then nothing good behind the curtains. Are these some leaves, Seven? Blago


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... this is a plant and leaves bookmatched in the middle offering the symetry? It doesn't matter. This is my favorite image on the page. A wonderful piece of symetry and form. Great job...
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This one does not appeal to me Seven. I feel like you tried to save an average photo by mirror-imaging it. The mirror-image seems too obvious here.
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I don't know what it is and I don't want to know because it would limit the ability to let the imagination go. Nice range of tones.
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Thanks for the feedback. The original image of a succulent is absolutely beautiful, deep greens and fine detail in rather strong shadows. That photograph though does not convey the impression close-up examination of the plant made upon me. The green wasn't making the impression, it merely coloured the strong graphic lines and curves that were.

So, how best to express the true impression? As a medium, black and white suggested itself. And most of us appreciate that a shadow or reflection can enhance a scene - example the reflection of a snow-capped mountain in a placid lake at sunset. Aesthetes enjoy that repetition for some reason, it seems to redouble their appreciation. And once the reflection (or mirror) had been created, I found myself in agreement with the image : i.e. it expressed the complexities of the design that had so impressed themselves upon me.

The best I believe any artist can hope for is to express the impress without distortion; to accomplish that in the interest of truth and/or beauty. Failing that, to get as close as he or she can to conveying that feeling : it would be impossible - I suspect - to accomplish this, but we do our best.

Thanks once again for leaving your impressions upon this page, each comment helps me understand your respective natures a little more.

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I'm not generally a fan of abstract art, but this I find very appealing. While I love B&W, and certainly think it lends itself well to this image, I'd be curious to see the original (I'll check your folder to see if it's here). Love the form, symmetry & tonal range. Finally, great job coming up with a title; makes me think of a concert hall with the curtains up top & the 2 row of seats on the bottom with a center aisle leading up to the stage.
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Ken said: "Say ahhh". That was a fascinating observation! My thoughts exactly, as far as entering a place that will swallow us up in our entirety!

In 1980, when I was a young lad, living and working in The Hague - Holland, I went to the cinema to catch the premiere of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture". Your image almost instantly reminded me of an alien spaceship which featured in this movie, called "V'ger". I have been searching for more than a week to see if I could find an appropriate URL to demonstrate what I am talking about. Unfortunately, I have been unsuccessful on this occasion...

A mirrored image? That was the *last* thing that came to *my* mind when viewing this B&W creation of yours!

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Looks like a great big smile, which is exactly what I did when I saw this. I LOVE this shot...so very well seen. My compliments....



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So much for the compliments...:-), i am drawn to this photograph instantly not only because of how beautifully it was composed but also because of its sense of mystery and sacredness. At the first glance, it gives me the look of a female's.... Second look, i am imaging myself flying into this pure eternity...tanya
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Thanks for dropping by; not only do I appreciate your visit, but I am grateful that you share openly your impressions of my expression. You have seen things I had not seen but now do - so thanks for opening my eyes to the endlessness of possibility.
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