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I can just feel your excitement as this dog came into the scene. Your patience paid off in spades.

As above, Nice shot.

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Cartier-Bresson (sic?)--and the decisive moment--lives! Very funny. There's gotta be a greeting card company out there that wants the rights to this!
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My kinda shot. Its like looking up the road of photography for me and seeing where I want to be heading.
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I happen to agree with the dog as to the painting! hahaha Great shot and congradulations on POW
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This is a real fun POW! I try and take my camera everywhere when travelling, working, etc and to be there at that moment...... Well done and I really look forward to seeing more of your work!
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I don't buy it - you put that dog in with Photoshop didn't you! Just kidding - I couldn't resist. Indeed this is a good argument for keeping your camera with you at all times.


As silly as it looks this pic has really gotten me thinking - what is the message here? Is the dog dissatisfied with crappy art, or is this a comment on corporate capitalism? Maybe it is just fun to watch a dog pee - I don't know. Thoughts anyone?

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In response to previous comment, I'm pretty sure the dog's message isn't an anti-corporate capitalism one. I don't know of many shoe shine corporations.
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I agree that this was a nice capture of the moment, but I think some of the other pictures of this type in your folder are much better. What makes a picture like this interesting to me is the interaction between the live subject and and the painting as in your John Wayne picture, or the way the painted world and the real world juxtapose, as in the picture of the landscape on the wall with the windows of the building seeming to hang in the air above.

I don't see much interraction between the dog and the painting beyond the obvious. Were the face in the painting looking toward the dog, or if this dog were doing his business at the end of John Wayne's gun in your other picture, then I think you would have a great connection between the two. I know, I know that you take what you can get, so before anyone rips me by saying that I'm expecting too much of a peeing dog, I'm just commenting on what I think would make this shot better. It is a nice shot, well composed, well exposed and funny, but some of the other shots in your folder are much more dramatic and intriguing to me.

You have a great eye for interesting environments.

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Oh my Gosh, this is too good. My absolute favorite kind of picture; situational irony. This is even a really good one at that, I mean as far as composition and clarity and all that jazz. I try to carry my camera with me as much as I can but I dont think that I would have been able to whip it out fast enough in this situation anyway. Nice job! And I dont think the dog had any alterier motive, it probably just had to go. LOL I would love to hear the story about how you got this shot, is it your dog? Did you just happen to be taking a picture of the painting at the time?...
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What a fantastic shot. As a certain chef would say BAM!!!! WOW!!!! OPPS!!!! YIKES I GOTTA GO!!! Congratulations.-Michael Joseph Hoard
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I think it`s sad. A 3 legged dog, just taking a rest, leaning on a wall & every one takes the piss. :)
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Well, this is different and refreshing.... POW with humour and kind kudos from all... Shucks, I was looking forward to the usual caustic comments fights and controversy...and all I get is laughs and warm feelings.... I'll bet that wall had some warm feelings too. Also liked the rest of your folder and how you've found a way to play with the relationship between the paintings and the passers-by....
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This is a fun shot!


I think things get too serious here on photo.net.


A perfect reminder that photgraphy is fun...

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I've never been a "joiner" so I'll be the dissenting vote. High praise of a photo of a pissing dog just shows how prolific bad taste really is.
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I have to agree with Paul here, since when does situational luck get mistaken for talent? The praise should be given to the dog not the photographer :)
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All it takes is a quick look at the photographer's images on photo.net to see that this is not "situational luck." Good street photography often depends on picking the right background and understanding the possibilities of what will happen. That doesn't mean one can exactly predict, but it does require practice and is not trivial.


Regarding photographs of peeing, the photograph that made Edward Weston croon over a then-unknown Mexican photographer named Manuel Alvarez Bravo (who is on permanent exhibition in many major art museums) was a close shot of a boy peeing. Bad taste is in the eye of the beholder.


Regarding this photograph, it's quite good, a very funny slice-of-life pic. I'd be happy to have taken it (it would almost fit in with some of my work), but if it was mine, I'd still wish for a bit more separation between the dog and the dark areas behind him.

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This isn't just a photograph of a dog pissing on a wall. It's a typical situation that happens to many people except this time the human being isnt tangible. It's a great picture that should make people forget about how terrible their lives are and just laugh for a couple of seconds.


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I just happen to log on to photo.net & the first POW I see is indeed a very good shot. I am sure that was real fast shooting, right exposure & composition.Congratulations!
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