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. . . then this photo definitely has a leg up on the competition (sorry!)


Photo viewed 81669 times! (and counting) Wow! Well it is certainly interesting to see the folder and how all 6 pictures involve wallpaintings. Is this part of some kind of book project? Makes one wonder, does it not? Photographer? What's the rest of the story?

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I think this is an interesting picture. I'm not going to give a crazy critique like others give to POW pics but just like the humor in it. ironically, those who give the most harsh critiques of pics tend to not have any in their own folders.


Keep up the good work, Eugene!

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I think Mike Walter is right - it is a funny situation, but it is not a real great photo. It is technically good, but there's missing something. For example the direction of the look of the painted boy and the dog are too different. This gives the photo the impression of an accidentally occuring situation. This is funny, but if it looks like a real confrontation (boy and dog are looking face to face or in exactly the same direction) You will see the real difference. Try a little manipulation with a computer or a pair of scissors on a print - You will see what I mean.
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i wouldn't hang it in my office. i wouldn't look at it now and then. just a first glance, a little laugh (just one time) and into the closet forever. it's hardly worth commenting about.
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I love the sense of humor the shot conveys. Technique etc are fine, but the humor is what makes this shot. It reminds me of a time in Costa Rica at this roadside breakfast shack. Next to the shack, these two dogs start getting it on, and all the people eating breakfast by the side of the road just stared at the dogs (and me with a 135 mm lens couldn't capture the moment--AARGH!)


But you caught the moment, and while it may be in bad taste to some, I think the dog's perfect aim provided you (and thanks to YOUR perfect aim, provided us) with a great laugh.



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As for those who've complained about composition and "impact", let's face the facts - the photo is good enough to elicit Many responses, most of them praising it, and the rest of them probably Jealous, as they themselves cannot produce a good candid shot of a flower, much less anything that moves. Let's see your idea of a better shot, or hush~
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I'm surprised by your comments, especially after reviewing the generally very constructive and enlightened comments you've left for other pictures.

The old "anyone who expresses a negative opinion is just jealous" comments are surprising coming from someone with your apparent experience and eye at reviewing good photos. It seems to come up on every POW, but not usually by someone such as yourself. The quality of a picture is not determined by the amount of comments it garners, but by what it does to or for the individual looking at it. To base my comments or lack thereof on whether or not most people like a picture is the worst form of spinelessness.


This is a terrific candid shot that I seriously doubt I could reproduce. Am I therefore disallowed to say that it just doesn't do it for me. I thought this was an open forum and not a forum for only the more skilled to criticize the less skilled.


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Perfect timing. I'm not sure if you waited for this scene or happened to be passing by. In any case, it's amusing. I like it. Reminds me not leave without a camera.
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