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Sonoma Barn II


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I agree, the fence leads the eye right into the picture. It makes the composition much more dynamic, without it the scene would be pretty stiff. Nice work Jim, the contrast is really good.
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Definitely! Take the fence away and a lot of the photo's character would be lost. It's a good visual guide as well.
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Jim... Love the fence, not only because of the compositional value, but because this fence has character with it's weathered and tilted profile... Great shot.. Mike



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I am not into infrared but i find these pictures a little bit surreal and expressive. And yes, the fence and the path along gives allure to your image. Congrats! Rox
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The previous version i smore about the barn. This one is indeed more attractive because of the strong diagonal leading in, and nice contrast of fence and grass makes this even mor eapparent. Sky lines help with an echo of foreground lines, mirrored.
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If I didn't know that it is unlikely to snow in Sonoma, I'd say you were eager for winter. Nice image. The fence really does make the shot. What about all the white?
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Don't know if you saw it, but this appeared in the 'Daily Sampling' images on the top of the PN homepage.  It's a wonderful scene and well-constructed composition.  I love it! 

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