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not the usual bird photo


i like the gradual blue and i guess i like it cause its not a beautiful picture and i ..dont really have a good reason for showing it except that i feel like going against the norm.please comment if you like it or would change it in any way. comments are appreciated, thanks!

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This photo is so bad and so boring it actually holds a perverse fascination for me. I gaze in wonderment at that out-of-focus smudge purporting to be a bird, and marvel at how skillfully it's been placed in the worst possible spot of such an immense, featureless sky. In a sense it would actually be more interesting without the bird at all, as an audacious expression of minimalist colour art. The bird just makes it technically bad and detracts from what subtle pleasure may be had from the gradual blue emptiness. Aesthetically, it's a failure, but since it made me stop and look and think (and laugh!) it has to qualify as succeeding on some esoteric level. I will fondly remember this as one of my favourite worst photos of all time. Thanks for posting it! Regards.
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Christopher, I don't believe in throwing beginners errors in their faces, so I won't add injury to insult (should be the other way around in any case); rather, I´d like to urge you to consider the abilities and limitations of your equipment and to try to use it within them. In any case, a photo of a bird in flight is not very interesting in the majority of cases. If you were trying to make a point, it is sorely missed here.
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What I was trying to say is that what you were trying to express didn't come across very well. Only that.

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Lol, I started from a rating in my portfolio, met Jeorge's portfolio, read your post and finally found this. Maybe they are trying to say that the bird should be more in focus and it would be better placed nearer to a corner :-)
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what could i have done better with this? [just kidding, this is the

zenith of my gallery, nothing can be done to possibly improve such a


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A glimpse of the horizon or an object in the foreground to help orient my eye would have helped. This is a tough shot to get with the equipment you're using. Even a tighter shot would have had a hard time keeping my interest (it's just a bird afterall).


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any horizon [because there is more than one of course] or object would only detract from this masterpiece. any so called eye orientation would give you one less thing to comment on. im not trying to get less things to comment on thats for shizzle. a tough shot with the equipment i was using? my camera can focus down to sixteen centimeters, which was critical for this shot. it even has a two- or ten-second self timer. iso was set at automatic too. the anti-red-eye flash feature which came stock with the camera was also necessary. ill bet you cant see any red eye in this bird. thats where this photo stands out, no red eye. it even came with an optical viewfinder which i passed up on this shot. im tired of bragging though... "it's just a bird afterall"???? just a bird? keep on throwing away those six pack rings without cutting them. choke the birds. go ahead, nafta isnt stopping you. also, its not everday you find feathers on musicians, so maybe thats why some people photograph birds. feathers RULE! long live feathers. where art thou feather? anyway this bird photo is a joke and so is this whole message, and if you compare this photo with other shots in my gallery [definitely not the best in the world, but they are nicer than this] you would see that this isnt meant for impressing people... only to let me see how a poor poor poor shot can waste people's time

[including mine :-D]

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forgot to add... my camera even has the ability to take low resolution shots down to 640x480. another highly sought after thing that you cant just find in every other digital camera is the grgb bayer sensor that this camera makes use of. mmhmm. yeah, you heard it from me, bayer.
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I was hoping that this was a joke, but I thought I'd add a couple of lines of advice just in case it wasn't. :)


But you're right - it is a masterpiece. Photo of the week quality, for sure.




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glad you didnt take offense to what i wrote, since most of it came from your comment, but i really didnt mean it to target you or whatever. nice to see you didnt get angry with me or anything, so thanks for being cool about that. thanks for commenting again :-D bye bye!

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Those have to be some of the worst ratings I've seen in my life. It's an interesting photo though.


You know what I think it is? There's something about a calm twilight sky, let's say, and you're just standing there feeling great in the sun and you see this one bird fly across the sky and you think "yo that's hot" (or whatever you say in your area, I live in Brooklyn LOL) and you take the picture. So you're looking at this picture that people are affectionately and not-so-affectionately calling their favorite worst picture and thinking back on your experience watching that bird in the sky. Except the people looking at your photo weren't privileged enough to see that bird fly by like you did, and to feel so kinda chilled out looking at it....



(or I could be completely wrong and sound like an idiot...LOL)

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If I was the bird, I would not want to have my name associated with this shot... lol. Good for you for being a rebel.
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