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© copyright Harry Lichtman

Long Walk Home II


I spotted these Peruvian women heading out of the Plaza de Armas with their alpacas in the old city of Cusco. I moved in close enough to use the 400mm end of my 100-400L lens, stabilizing against a building. The image stabilization really helped in this situation. I was surprised to see one of the ladies looking back as I snapped this image, as if she somehow had a sense that I was there. Climbing these streets was more difficult than I thought, as the stones were smooth and rounded and often wet. This image was slightly cropped off the top, but I held off cropping any further to help show the street above. f 5.6, ISO 400, 1/80 sec.


© copyright Harry Lichtman

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You were are in a place where I would like to visit one day. Besides that, this is an excellent photo. I did not check the lens you used but it appears like a telephoto and I like the effect/compression which you obtained with it. I also like the warm light. Kudos.
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I would be interested to know if you thought further cropping of the

image to exclude the folks on the stairs would create a stronger image

for you. I wanted to show the steepness of the streets, along with the

graphic nature of the stones and buildings.


Taken in Cusco, Peru

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Given that one of the enduring moments of this photo is that you can feel the depth and steepness of the road, I think cropping out the unwanted pedestrians would detract from the story. To a degree they are a little distracting, but there is a sense of life to image in the fact they are there.


Overall great image.


Thank you.

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I think that cropping it further is a very good idea. The photo would have a better mood without those people on stairs. Anyway, I like it a lot even the way it is now.
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it's just fantastic, I mean the mood, and the composition, colors... I love how the woman turns around curious and is set against the background of a mounting street (nice element this street!). I am not sure about the further cropping as suggested by above here, but one thing is definitely disturbing - the tourists on the stairs. I know it would be hard but NOT IMPOSSIBLE to remove them entirely in PS. have you tried that?


regards, Tomasz

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Tomasz - Yes it would have been nice if those folks on the stairs were not there at all, but I'm not a big fan of adding or removing elements that were not in the original scene. I don't mind cropping, but I was concerned about taking away too much of the environment. That much cloning would be challenging for me to look natural. In some ways it is an interesting contrast of old world ways and the modern day.


Thanks for your thoughts, Harry

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Great shot, Harry.  I didn't even recognize the people on the stairs as being "tourists" just thought of them as a couple of Cuscans. No problem for me with them being there.

I'd be more tempted to make a vertical crop just to the left of the green building element.  That would put the focus on the cobbled street, the steepness of the stairs and the most interesting subjects (llama and owner.)  It would also have the benefit of eliminating the whiteness on the building, the clutter of the architectural elements and the pole with modern posters.  Just a thought...

I was in Peru earlier this year and had a great time.  Nice people.  Seeing your photos, I wish I had been able to get up into the Andes more but it was very wet and rainy.

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