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This is very ordinary, I am amazed by the gushing comments. I'm sorry guys this picture doesn't work for me , apart from the silly shadow it is flat and lacking in life Im glad the elves thought it was interesting because I don't

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I like this shot because it is pretty much well balanced and there is enough question in it that makes you look even deeper and ask even further. I believe it is pretty much artistic and very creative.

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This is an extraordinary shadow shot which most of the comments have ignored or missed altogether. However, the black shadows are spoilt by the presence of the child who must have wandered into the shot when the photographer was off guard. I am surprised he didn't notice her when he worked on the print. The starkness and the angular nature of the chain link fence make this a photo to remember. We will still have the image of the fence shadow in our minds long after the child has gone. Let's see more shadows like this, though it will be hard to match for it is so close to perfection; pity about the face.

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Whilst i think that this photo is well composed (and perhaps overly so) i feel it is unfortunate that the subject is looking directly into the camera as it gives her a cross eyed appearance.
The exposure is well crafted, but the harshness of the chain link shadows detract from the overall image as well as the irregularity of the transition from light to dark on her forehead.
A very striking image which draws you in at once, but on further reflection becomes less satisfying.
nevertheless, well done

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Good Moring to every one.
I really spent number of days so far trying to get this child portrait into my mind an do except it as it is, but it was not so, although the metal work shade on the left of the face and the uper portion of the shoulder did not bother me at all and I always felt it is another cridet addition to this work, the face on the right having all of that different exposure and large balck scar spliting the value in 1 and half and I mean the uper side of the right side of the face, this did not give me any good insperation at all and I thing this did drop the over all value of this prtrait work, specially the Art of portrait, it need that even value of light to make it pleasant to enjoy viewing, there are faces we pass through we do not like to look at may because they are ugly and not pleasant, the child face is so beautiful and it should have been mantained so.

My best regards to the photographer and to every one else here.


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Good Moring to every one.
I really spent number of days so far trying to get this child portrait into my mind an do except it as it is, but it was not so, although the metal work shade on the left of the face and the uper portion of the shoulder did not bother me at all and I always felt it is another cridet addition to this work, the face on the right having all of that different exposure and large balck scar spliting the value in 1 and half and I mean the uper side of the right side of the face, this did not give me any good insperation at all and I thing this did drop the over all value of this prtrait work, specially the Art of portrait, it need that even value of light to make it pleasant to enjoy viewing, there are faces we pass through we do not like to look at may because they are ugly and not pleasant, the child face is so beautiful and it should have been mantained so.
For portrait give me beauty, give me drama, give me conditions, give me a case to study but do not add a touch to a face of a beautiful person without given me anything to admire.
My best regards to the photographer and to every one else here.


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This photograph first grabbed my attention because, at first glance, the shadows of the chain link fence made me think she was wearing a veil. I think it is a beautiful photograph. There are plenty of great pictures of beautiful children without chain link fence shadows and the decision was obviously deliberate and it would not be the same photograph (nor, I speculate, picked by "the elves") without it. Why are so many comments trying to take the chain link fence out?
I like the grittiness of it superimposed on a young, innocent and beautiful little girl. I think it's a strong statement about fashion and the perception of beauty in all cultures. It is a brilliant shot.

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I feel I need to write more about the remarks than about the photograph. Please take it as you feel. The image catches the eye and has good elements. But, in my opinion a very good work, not to mention a masterpiece, must not pull the viewer in any direction, and must be more than the sum of its elements. This image, to my regret, does pull the eye: (a) the unnatural fence shadow, (b) the strained neck, © the over done eyes, (d) the crossed look, (e) the discrepance between the mature appearance from eyes up vs. the childish appearance from eyes down. I have tried to imagine the real scene and made a false attempt to take the photogrph by myself. Most probably I would not press the shutter button. What does make me appreciate this photograph is the fact that has enough good elements and enough faults to make a good learnig case (if not a very good image and not a learning case nothing is left). I had the opportunity to examine my own weaknesses and to improve. Thank you both Andrey and the Elves!

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Andrey has a distinctive style...almost instantly recognizeable...and he uses it here very well. His crisp detail and dramatic tonal shifts are a natural part of this photograph to me. Like a lot of his portraits of children, this girl looks older than her years to me, and also gives the impression of knowledge beyond her years. So it's the intent and impact of the photograph that works for me here, rather than all the compositional elements...meaning that for me, the composition and shadows are secondary to the impression the photograph gives me. In short, it works for me as a whole that's greater than the sum of its parts.

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This is an excellent portrait. I love the intense eyes, and the chain link shadow is unique and interesting. The photo works well in black and white. For everyone who finds a hair out of place or a lighting issue on both sides of the face, I would like to say that post processing has gotten way out of control. I don't use Photoshop to make my pictures flawless. I'd much rather have an untouched photo that's good than one where every flaw has been manipulated. My question to Andrey is how did you get the hair up? Did you use a fan or a ton of hair gel? Or is that the natural look the girl had? Very nice portrait.

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Great Photo...The eyes reach out to me. Draws my eyes to her..I can not stop looking for an answer.
To what question: "Where am I, find me" ...this is what I see. Thank you.

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This is certainly a very interesting and captivating image. I've read through the comments and I agree with almost all of them...good points and bad. If the goal is to make us think, stop, and stare, you've done that successfully with this image. But as a mom of a nine year old girl, I'm not sure I would be happy with a similar image of my child. I would LOVE to see this done with a young twenty something. I love the fence pattern.
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Nice tonal and composition. The hair in the left face would be better removed. The shadow of the fence should be uniform, the shadow pattern around the mouth and nose is not uniform.
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I signed up with photo.net just to comment on this photography. And then it took me 20 minutes to find it again! I tell you this just the emphasis how impressed I am with this picture.


Have you noticed how those who like the picture make short, strong positive comments, and those you don't like it make long, rambling comments?


Whether you like this picture or not it is Compelling! That to my mind says this is a first class photography. Since I like it so much I'll go further and call this picture a work of Art.


Now I'm going to check out your other postings here and decide whether I should be inspired or quit photography. :)

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