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"Babies Bottle Brushes"


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Shows you what's on my mind. My 2 month old son has already influenced my choice of subjects, or my interpretation at least. This is a rural farm scene near the town of Cambria along Santa Rosa Creek road. It is one of my favorite drives, especially in the Spring when the lupines are coming in. The original is color, of course, but the textures lent itself to the black and white medium I believe. I would like to know your thoughts.
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Outstanding, and straight into my faves. I actually have a similar shot I'm thinking of loading....similar only in that there is a diagonal that runs through like this. This is just a superb B&W, Mark. And if you have time (and I know that you're a little short in that department right now), would you be kind enough to look at a B&W image I put up and tell me how I can make it better? It's called ROOTS at the top of my portfolio page. Thanks! No worry if you don't have time. :-)
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Mark - I would agree that this shot's textures lends itself to B&W. I wonder if it is possible to bring some separation into the background grasses, as they appear to bled. I'm not at my usual viewing monitor, so that may be the reason. If it is possible, and you would be the one to know how to bring this out, as it might add an additiona layer of interest to the shot. Each time the image is viewed I notice a little something I didn't see before.


Regards, Harry

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The fine detail in the foreground is just outstanding but I think I agree with Harry on this one. It seems to have a monotone quality and I believe that a little more separation would greatly improve the great depth of field. Maybe a little more contrast and darkening of the background would help achieve that. Without any changes it is still a stunning image.
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I have to say that I agree with Harry and Leo. But I didn't realize this about the image until I placed it in my favorites. When I saw it next to some of the other B&W images in my favorites folder, I felt that it lacked a little depth and wondered if there might be a wider range of tones you could coax out of this. It's still an extraordinary image, any way you cut it! :-)
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Thanks Bob, Andrew, Melanie, Mike, Christal, Leslie, Harry, Leo and Christal agin for offering your suggestions. I agree with many of you and will probably go back and re-process this one because I think it is worth the effort. I need to do some other tidying up as well, like removing some power lines. I can't thank you enough for those keen observations!
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