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© copyright 2009 Dan Bliss

not washed away



© copyright 2009 Dan Bliss

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It was a bit of a slippery mess climbing down to this spot, so I am glad that I didn't trip and get washed on down. There was so much spray in the air that I would clean the lens while covering it, and then immediately shoot. It was fun and not a bad way to spend the morning. Thanks for looking. Dan
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Another cracking shot Dan. Quite unusual composition, but it really seems to make the most of all those different textures in the scene.


Regards, Dave.

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This truly is a fine image. I love the textures, the sense of depth, sharpness, overall exposure, and the flow of the water.


However, IMHO, a couple of things about it could be improved, all centering on the foreground tree. Specifically, I find that my eye keeps coming back to the foreground tree because of its proximity to the center of the frame and because of its very high contrast. It's visually *massive*. It's obviously a pure judgment call, but if it were my image, I would prefer the water to be the center of attention. I would use the tree as a framing element to bounce my eye back to the water whenever my eye wandered too far to the left instead of as the (possibly inadvertent) center of attention.



For similar reasons (ie, my eye spending too much time away from the main area of water), IMHO, I feel that there is slightly too much image to the left of the tree, so I would crop the image a bit tighter on the LHS. This cropping also seems to generate a bit of an upward diagonal sweep of my eye that I don't get when the tree is more centered.



To try to keep my attention on the water and other shapes in the image, I would sharpen the water and increase its contrast, and reduce the contrast of the tree and foreground rocks. Right now, the tree almost looks like it was hit with an on-camera flash.



While I can't do very much with an image that's only ~700 px in the longest dimension, I attempted to illustrate my ideas by slightly tweaking what is already a truly nice image. I didn't spend a lot of time on it, so there are problems in my version such as areas of oversharpening and blown highlights, but hopefully it gives you an idea of the direction someone else might take if they were spinning this scene.


Whatchya'll think? :-)





Tom M.

Washington, DC


PS - After looking at my version, if I were to re-do my version, I would make the tonalities of everything (except the infamous tree) a bit closer to your version because I think that your higher contrast gives a better sense of depth.

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Przemek, Anabela, Keith, and Dimitris, thank you for your kind and thoughtful comments.


Tom, thank you for the thoughtful and thorough consideration of my photo. I do like your cropping of the image as well. Maybe it is stronger. I toyed with a similar cropping. I agree that it pulls your attention more towards the water, and I like your high contrast version of the water. I suppose I gravitated toward the cropping that I used because I was focusing more on the tree and its texture. I viewed the water as more of a background. In addition, I like the balance of the triangle of the three main points of the image the upper trunk, the waterfall, and the base of the tree. But, like I said I like your cropping as well. In any case, thank you for the time and effort of your comment.


Thanks again to everyone. Dan

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a technically difficult situation for right exposure but you did it well, and nice post-processing. powerful composition. a very good photo!
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