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The King


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I'm starting to play arround with blending modes and multiple images. Last

night I decided to try this idea and here is the result.

I took the picture of the statue and the one of me trying to get the same

angle and lighting. Since the prespective was not quite the same I

integrgated parts of me into the composition in multiple layers. One for the

face, anotherone for each shoulder, one for the troat and nek and one more

for the chest area.

I could be the fact that this is the first time attempting such thing but so far

I'm satisfied with it.

Any comments or suggestions on how to better this will be greatly




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Guest Guest



First, my compliments on a well-made image.

Having said that, there are a couple things that I think you could do to do better.

Most disconcerting is that your face isn’t facing the same direction as the head. It’s close, and it’s subtle, but the effect is that the whole face has been slid around to the left side of the head. You’d have to re-shoot the one picture or the other, and I imagine it would be quite a chore to get the two in perfect alignment, but think the end result would be well worth it.

Less pronounced is the difference in texture between your face and the rest of the statue. The cheek and beard are ultra-smooth, but your forehead is a bit…craggy. The easy way out would be to smooth your face to match the marble texture of the statue, and a sound artistic argument could certainly be made for doing so. However, I think even more effective would be to add texture to the statue, with a gradual transition between the two. There’s some of that going on in the upper chest and right arm, but it feels accidental or overlooked, rather than intentional.

Minor details, to be sure, and I think that the fact that I’m only left with minor details to criticize should tell you a great deal about how much I like what you’ve done.



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Alex, great idea and it is even better with Ben pointing to minor details, which makes it more interesting to realize how hard it is to acomplish! Magnifica composicion!

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