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The Spirit of Tom Sawyer

v. bice

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My first thoughts when looking at this guy were: self-confidence, energy and happy. You are right. He must be The Spirit of Tom Sawyer.
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Hi Harry...it looks fine on my 2 screens, plus I just printed it out and the print is fine here.

Hard to fix what I am not seeing....Thank You Dear.

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I see a lot of green, too, and I have below average color perception. It's very evident in his hair, less evident in his skin. What color was the child's sweater? Blue? or gray? In the original post it appears gray, or blue-gray. With some adjustments his hair can be corrected, and his sweater picks up some color. His face, also, becomes warmer. There's not much that can be done with his bright wrist. It's darker on the fiddled version, but still a distraction.


On the plus side, this subject, like so many of your people pictures, appears very relaxed and casual. You seem to have a lot of skill in working with your subjects, getting them to trust you, etc.

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As I said doug I have printed the photo out and all is fine here. My screen and my printer are in agreement.
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You fiddled with version has lost all the golden and yellow tones....too red now. Why do you say this photo is just a 4 (fair)? Please remove your examples and comments.
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How about this last one, then. I think the warm tones that you like are still there, but the green has been reduced in his hair. What color was his sweater?

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Green kid with too much pink blush on his cheeks mugs for the camera. Picture is uninteresting, it's not worth rating as it is no better then a four, but comments are educational!
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Yeah, the kid looks great, I agree. He's very comfortable getting photographed, and has a great smile. The capture and charm are really good. Well done BB.



The posted swatches were taken with a 5x5 pixel eyedropper tool from areas of the original post's hair: highlight, midtones and shadows; then from the same area of the first fiddled version; then from the same area of the second fiddled version. The green cast is very evident in the highlights, less in the midtones and shadows.

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and as we pro's all know , a client will not observe a slight colour cast which could be due to the house scan...the client will like the warmth of the smile ,the relaxed nature of the pose,the eye contact,and perhaps even the fact that there is only one catch light in each eye ,which I see that so many portraits done by so-called pro's don't even know how to acheive---

this is a wonderfull portrait of a happy young boy---well done......

seems like a lot of nit picking going on here

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Seems more like "Spirit of Dennis the Menace" to me...


A green cast can be the result of the camera mis-guessing the white balance, specially in fluorescent light, or the result of color correcting on a poorly calibrated monitor. I usually look for color casts in the white of the eyes, and on my calibrated monitor, the eyes or the catchlight seem too blueish-green. Doug's swatch of the highlights in the hair do seem a little greenish to me, but it is also a perfectly natural, if uncommon, hair color.

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