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Footstep in moonshine.

allan wallberg

Footstep in moonshine.A cold winter night in december 2002, Shutter speed 30 sek bl f:16.

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Excellent photo, I really like it. The colors are very nice and the position of the moon, good work.


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Very compelling. Good, simple composition. Even the fact that the moon is centered doesn't hurt because of the diagonals below.
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Very nice photo!! Wonderful tonality and mood. The Placement and size of the right footprint nerutralize the centered moon, making this composition strong!!
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Moving and thought provoking!

The only flaw I can see is the pentagon shaped moon, which is a bit distracting. You will have to find a lens with a more pleasing rendation of out of focus highlights to avoid this problem.

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Allan, if you walked here before you took this shot, it means that anyone following in your footsteps will have very big shoes to fill!

English expressions meaning that you are posting fantastic work... ;-)

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If a shot deserves high marks for originality this one does. It is original. very nice image which lets the mind wonder what the tracks are all about. great shot !
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Beautiful shot Allan. Nice composition and thought in this one. How did you illuminate the foreground? The shadows in the footprint suggest a light source coming from your point of view, so it couldn't be the moon....could it? Don't get me wrong, I really like it, I'm just curious.
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your eyes are right, there was an extra source of light coming from

the left side, a lamp sitting on our small cottage in the forrest.

I am glad you liked my image, best regards from Allan.


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Hello Allan,


This is a nice shot. I like the way the land leads the eye towards the moon. Though the moon is centered in the frame, it still works well. Im guessing the foot- prints that accompany you are from your trusty dog perhaps? The only thing that bothers me in this image is the color of the snow. Is has a greenish cast. I played around with this in PS and made a black and white copy just to see how it would look.


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A good, atmospheric shot. I think Roger's b&w version improves on the original. My only wish is that the footprints were heading towards the moon rather than away from it. (It would be the most effective way of literally leading us into the photo!) Anyway, Allan, I envy you for having a cottage in the forest...
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Somehow the black and white version makes me want to divide the image in half, either chucking the footprints, or chucking the moon, as if it's two images, not one. The color version, to me, unifies the two very different elements. The footprints also remind me of astronaut footprints on yonder moon.
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Hey, at 30 seconds, wouldn't the moon drag across the sky?

With a 50mm lens it is possible to capture the Moon and other celestial objects without trailing, by exposing no longer than about 12 seconds... Keep in mind that objects closer to the Celestial Pole can be exposed longer (less motion near the CP). Allan shot this on the 10th of December 2002... The actual moonphase was about 34% at that time, so don't be fooled into thinking that we are looking at a Full Moon image here. Inspecting the Large view of this shows me that there is a hint of the (overexposed) lunar crescent having moved, so Allan's exposure time is not too far out... But yes, movement *has* to occur within this amount of time!

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