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Colorado: Our Back Deck: 12.30.02


A new addition to the deck shots. I missed the best part of this one, unfortunately.


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I can't even imagine what this looked like at peak. I will keep track

more closely as I used to. I had gotten lax at watching this view.

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You got the new 24-70 lens too ? You must be a very good boy. Fred, there is wonderful color in the sky. I can image how much better this shot would be without so many trees in the foreground. Some of them have to go.
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The tree (left) frames the photo and gives the photo depth. Without the tree it would be like a thousand other photos. Nice, my wallpaper for the day.


Thank You

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The choice of subject is yours. Since this is one of the few healthy lodgepole pines in our little plot of wilderness I celebrate it whenever I can. It is there and was there before the house was built. I accept it as part of the landscape. The aspens I might consider removing.


Stephen: I sold several of my children to get these lenses. I miss those children but they never made such nice images. I put my order in early and have had the lens for a few weeks. I plan to use it tomorrow night for the fireworks and the torchlight skiers parade down the hill at Copper Mountain. Any advice?

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Fred, My advice is to take lot of pictures.


24-70. Nice. What do you use for wide angle?


It seems almost redundant commenting on the pictures from your back deck. Here's a challenge: take a really bad one, just to prove you're really in control (No fair just messing with exposure or blur). Double Dog Dare ya.

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I had a 14mm Sigma which I sold on eBay. I purchased a new Canon 16-35mm L f/2.8 to keep the 24-70mm company. Now, you must understand that I sold my Mamiya RB67 outfit, all of my 35mm film equipment including the lenses along with an old car, an expensive rifle and some other firearms equipment to buy these three lenses and the D60. I'm soon retiring so I had to make the move now. I'm still considering one more IS lens but that will have to wait until some more things are sold.


I've lots of bad shots. I thought the idea was to hide those at all costs. Have we decided as a group to only present flawed images? I do consider this image flawed in that I was late to the party and I need to trim the aspens back just a bit for better framing. The aspens grow like weeds so it's not a big deal to top a couple of them slightly.

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Fred, I have to say I only wish I had this view off my back deck. You have again taken an incredible shot. The sky is absolutely beautiful, especially with the snow on the mountains in the background. I love these shots, so please keep them coming!
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Here, for those of morbid curiousity, is a shot from our deck just a few minutes ago. Lovely isn't it? Shot with the 16-35mm at 16mm.

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Fred, I would have to say you are teasing me now with the photo's from your back deck showing the spectactular view of the snow capped mountains, and now your snow covered deck! LOL! I am moving!
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Great shot, Fred. I have found that the intense alpenglow is a rarity in the mountains, but fairly common in the valley where I live. Mike Wagner

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