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Sunnidale Park Creek


Minolta XG-M, 100mm MD macro, f22 Auto. Fresh snowfall on a late afternoon before the deep freeze of winter.

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Makes me feel the cold just looking at it! Nicely framed and captured. The reflection add a nice element to this Winter scene! Good eye.
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Hi Len! It's been a while, I see you've been busy (unlike me, I've been... well it's a long story)! Thought I'd check out what you've been up to so...


I definitely feel like I'm there in the scene, which is good. I also really like the nature of the light, but I'm not too crazy about the somewhat dull/washed out sky. Parts of the image are very compelling, and I think you did an excellent job on composition. However, the scene looks too busy to me. It could be personal preference, but I like landscape shots to be "neater" and have more of a sense of order to them (even though I don't seem to be able to find those shots too easily myself!). The branches on the right especially look too chaotic for my tastes. I hope you realize I'm only giving you criticizm because if I wasn't totally honest with you I wouldn't be a true friend, right? Well let me see what else you've been up to, and I certainly hope you'll return the favor and find the time to "insult" some of the newer picture I've posted recently. :)



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Hi Len,


This one really caught my eye! I like the way the meandering line of the stream leads you through the photo from the bottom right corner. I've been meaning to get out and try to get some photos like this! Nice work!

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Superia 400 is a rather contrasty film but in the afterglow of

sunset, on a normal scene it seems to do the job. Your thoughts in

the form of a comment are most welcome. Ratings less so. Best, LM.

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This photo caught my eye. A very peaceful scene. The composition really works for me. The cold colors on the right and the warm color on the left seem to be part of what makes this work for me. Lots of nice photos in your gallery!
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Angela, Stunning? Why thank you, & consider yourself as receiving my vote for "Critic of the Week" :-) Best, LM.
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