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Skeetex Mill


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Tony...being perfectly honest, i see this as one of those cases where mother nature and the hand of man have combined to screw up a potentially great setting for a nice photograph. it appears that the water wheel isn't turning...thus no opportunity for capturing that...and the water is at a low level and a putrid shade of brown/green. nothing you could have done to resolve either issue. the one thing that stands out as something that you might...repeat might... have had the opportunity to better ...is the shadowing on the building...but if you're like me, you probably landed here at the wrong time of day...took the available photo...and hoped for the best. it takes a monumentally extraordinary scene to make me wait for hours, much less days ...for the perfect light. the conditions and time of day just weren't condusive for a successful capture. i hope you're truly looking for constructive criticism ...for if you're not...you're probably pretty pissed at me about this time! ;) i've done it a thousand times myself. see a shot with great potential...but with circumstances/conditions beyond my control ...that as i said, "screw things up". the only thing worse is when everything is "just right"...and then "I" screw up the opportunity.... best regards, jg


p.s....i noticed that you have a couple of 6/6 ratings...and that's fine...everyone is entitled to their opinion. but i think it would be interesting if those raters would explain why they felt the picture was worthy of such high ratings. i didn't rate...feeling that it would be more beneficial to offer a critique.

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Many thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment on my shot. Far from being 'pissed' I am happy to receive your honest and frank critism. You are right about the timing. I was out with my wife and while she was looking around the antique centre nearby, i took a strole with the camera. Time was about mid day hence the strong light from the south. This scene was shot from a bridge which is at the head of the navigable part of the River Crouch. To the right of this mill( out of shot ) are the lock gates where the tidal section of the river meets the fresh water part. As you state it was low tide so no water.Essentially this shot for me was about a photo shop excercise. The title 'skeetex' refers to a huge banner which is stretched across the lower part of the mill ruining the scene. I cloned this out,took ages.Also The sky was shot in Northampton about 200 miles away and I experimented with saturation, toning and contrast.I dont know how to do it or I would upload the original shot here. Ratings? Well John, see my bio. Its great to get high ratings for a temporary fix. Low ratings are a bit of a downer but the feeling soon passes. The essence of the basis for improving my photo skills has to be the constructive critism from my friends and peers here on PN. By you taking the time to stop by and comment has confirmed to me that there is in this shot some worth and potential. It has forced me to realise that I need to get my butt out of bed and re shoot this early morning when the light will be from over my shoulder and with much more contrast.Also time this with high water which i will need to plan on the calender.John,none of this would have occured to me without you taking the time out to comment on this shot and I thank you again for this. A string of 6-6s and I would have gone away quite falsely a happy but more importantly a none the wiser man.When I eventually shoot this again I will take the time to email you the shot and hopefully you may see an improvement.

John again, many thanks.



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