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© Copyright 2003 - David Lee Anderson / DL Anderson Photography - All Rights Reserved

Lake Tahoe 001



© Copyright 2003 - David Lee Anderson / DL Anderson Photography - All Rights Reserved

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The contrails don't bother me, but would be an easy fix. The only suggestion I will offer is to bump up the contrast a tad for greater definition - but that, too, is just opinion... A beautiful place... Mike



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I agree with Michael. For such scenes you should use polarizing filter, it would add much in sky. But nice photo anyway, nice composition.


Cheers, Filip.

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Thank you both for looking and taking the time to comment.


Michael I may just bump the contrast up a little more, maybe seven or eight percent. But, I would have to disagree with you Filip on the polarizing filter though. I find that it's use over about 5000 feet (about 1525 meters) in elevation begins turning the sky too dark in appearance(too short a scale between blue and black). The lake elevation of Lake Tahoe is around 6225 ft (1897 m).


But I am mostly interested in those contrails caused by jet exhaust. I find them rather unsightly myself, an un-natural look, and I am trying to gauge weather this is just a personal bias or felt by others as well.

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Hm... A didn't know that fact about polarizing filter, I've never been higher than 1000 meters. I'll remember that. I would use 1 stop ND gradual filter than. About that contrails, if you didn't mention them i probably wouldn't notice them at all. But if they bug you so much, why not just clone them out? I would.:)




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Dave, this is a wonderful, classic composition. It looks like you have used a relatively long focal length and this has allowed you to keep the foreground and background in focus. In answer to your question about the contrails, I would probably clone them out. They are in a rather strong position at the end of the main diagonal that goes from bottom right to top left. I would only leave them in if the message of my photo were to be: "look how machines follow us even to a place like this".


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Thank you for your comments. I think I will clone them out. The focal length was 9.7mm on the FujiFilm FinePix S602 Zoom I had for use at the time. Additionally, shot aperture priority @ 1/290th sec f11 on ISO 200.



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