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Washington again


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Hey beavis you said wood, huh huh....just kidding..anyway...


It looks as though this was an overcast day? I would like to have seen this shot in different light, sidelight perhaps to show more character in the wood? perhaps a warmer white balance IMO - photo has a bit of a blue cast to it perhaps....

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I too like the texture of weathered wood. There's something about it - each example is similar, yet unique. I like this idea - you have a shallow depth of field (although there may still be too much detail in the background), a sense of place created by the old barbed wire and the field behind, and some interesting lichens in there to add some color. That said, the flowers in the foreground pull my eye away from the post (they are both brighter and closer to the point of view) and I stated above, there may be too much detail in the background still.


Everyone has a different vision, so I can only comment from my own way of seeing, so here is what I am thinking when I see this image. I would like to see this closer. I would like to see more detail in the wood (a closer point of view). I think that a very tight, sharp shot of the rusty lichens near the top of the post would be really strong. I think that the old knots have a lot of potential in the same way.


Don't get me wrong - I like the shot the way it is - but I think that it could be stronger if you worked with this subject a bit more. Perhaps exploring some other points of view, pulling back more as well as getting in closer, to present both a more intimate view and a wider view with a stronger sense of place (like the first 'scary' image in your collection).


Thanks for sharing this one


- Randy

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i agree with Randy about the flowers. they do pull your eye away from the wood, but i seem to have the same issues when i take a picture like this. I worry that the wood alone isn't interesting to enough people to make it a striking picture.....
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