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The weather I love

paolo de faveri

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Ehy, thank you all folks for your many comments and great appreciation. This happens to be my new favourite picture of mine, so I'm pretty happy you liked it too.

I've been very lucky with this, because everything happened very fast. Only 5 minutes earlier there was almost no fog in the valley, and just 5 minutes later it had already filled up everything. It was indeed a treat to be there, one of those moments you feel you just got to the right place at the right time...


Thanks again to all,


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you certainly was in the right place at the right time Paolo. it's a beautiful shot, colours and comp look great and it has great atmosphere.
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I can only dream about encountering a scene like this and then capturing it as well as you have done. 7/7. The varied colors in the sky is incredible! I suppose you are using autopano Pro to do the stitching. best regards,
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Thanks all again for commenting on this, when it wil stop? :-)) I'm just flattered for this.


Tony, for stitching files I use Photoshop, the CS4 version makes wonders at stitching also problematic sequences, such as those taken with an ultra wide lens like this one, usually without any fault. On the field, I only use a 3 axis pano head, with the tripod of course perfectly levelled, "in bubble". That's it.

Sitiching 4 verticals into 1 single horizontal is pretty much easier than what it looks like. Things are different if you want to stitch multiple rows, but also in this case with PS CS4 I'm often successful.


Thanks again to all.


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One of the best landscapes photos I've seen in quite some time. Very well captured. Wonderful work you should be very proud of!


Kind Regards


Tim Reaves

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Hello Paolo, yes it is so good, as the responses and ratings show. I giggle at the fact that you received two 4/4's. Just shows everyone that there indeed are several embaciles who know not what is truly good. Paolo, you deserve the praise. You are a true workingman's photographer, consistently churning out highly effective photographs. My only suggestion is to consider a different title to this work of art, but it has little bearing on the value of this masterpiece!
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Thank you very much, Mark. Yes, the title is quite weak indeed. I initially chose this title because those were the words that were rolling around my mind while, thrilled to bone, I was looking through the viewfinder at the fog rolling down the slopes and into the valley: in a corner of my mind a voice was just repeating ad-libitum "this is just the weather I love, this is just the weather I love..." The kind of insanity that hits those who are standing with feet in the water at about 2000m height at 10 pm of a friday evening, I guess... :-) Do you have any suggestions for a better title? What about simply "dreamscape"? Too cheesy perhaps?


About the 4/4's, well, this simply shows IMO how faulty and useless the rating system is. I mean, you know that a picture is listed in the TRP only if it takes 5 or more anonymous rating within the first hour after posting. Well, this one had never made it, and in fact doesn't show there - check it out - because it only got 4 anon ratings, something like one 4/4, two 5/5 and one 5/6, I guess...

Does this really make sense in your opinion? Is there a real reason why a picture that has encountered the liking of so many members doesn't show up in the TRP? How many good images get lost everyday because of this stupid rule? I complained about this a few times, and many NP members have complained much louder than me about how crappy the rating system is, but site admins did nothing about it. The result today is that entering the TRP is just a random thing and much worst thing for the site and the members is that views, ratings and comments have dramatically dropped down. This is just a huge pity and waste in my opinion.




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OK, first, your image does show up under TRP, you just have to change the Sort By: drop-down to all ratings (average) and it will be the first one, i.e., it is in fact the top rated photo based on that criteria. As far as the title, I think you should keep the theme of your first title, just rearrange the words or find similar words to convey the same message or something close. Maybe change love to passion and call it "passion weather" or "weather of passion" or "stormy love affair" or "embracing the storm" or "passion for spring atmosphere" or "romancing the storm". OK, that last one sounds a little too much like a Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner movie. Perhaps you could use your phrase in Italian, that would work well for us in America. Anyway, I think your original title has great meaning and is close to your heart, so work with that theme if possible.
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Great image...colors, light, water...magic sensations, really magic and misty atmosphere..Great and magic image.

Congrats & best regards

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Hey Mark, thank you again.

Of course I know that, if I change parameters this picture shows up immediately, together with a whole bunch of great images that nobody sees in the default view of the trp. And that's actually my point: of course I wasn't complaining about my picture in particular, this actually did so well that I would just be a moron if I'd complain.

Mine was more about a generic complaint on how useless the rating system is. In my opinion the "top rated photos" gallery should show just that, the top rated ones, which, btw, should be those pictures that more than others have met the liking of the community.

But it doesn't. In fact, while I know that changing the "sort by" paramater will change everything, I wonder how many visitors actually do that. This site, Mark, ranks about 2300 on Alexa rankings, which means that this site is about the 2300th site of the whole world wide web. This means that tens of thousand of visitors visit it daily, and certainly many of them look at the trp just to have a quick idea of what the pictures uploaded here look like, just like on every other photo forum around. On Nature Photographers Network, for instance, I would go to see the weekly pics gallery and would immediately have a clear idea of what kind of images of which quality and appeal are posted weekly on that site. Why for godsake, the business card of PN must be a bunch of pictures that happen to appear up-front to the viewers just for a matter of fate? What idea can an occasional viewer - and they're thousands daily - get of this site from the default view of the trp? That's what my complaint was about, hope I've been clearer now.


About title suggestions, wow, you're just a source of great ideas, I will ask more often for your contribution! ;-) I will mumble about it and will certainly get out with something better than the original one.


Thanks again to everybody for your comments and support, that's greatly appreciated.


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Paolo,, Excellent capture!!! Lovely color tones, great DOF.. Great job on the shutter speed. Congratulation on a wonderful image.
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Paolo, my ideas are only meant to be a springboard for your new title. I would prefer you conjure up something, it gives your image the final artist's touch. Given your explanation of the original title, I actually like it more now. I hope my ideas are helpful and someday I look forward to your new title, but give it time to cook!
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