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© Johnny Boje Jensen

"back" light..



© Johnny Boje Jensen

From the category:

Nude and Erotic

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Not that there is anything inherently 'wrong' with this portion of the anatomy as some people would like to suggest, there is nothing to this photo that warrants any artistic interest. This is, to me, merely a snap shot of a girl's rear end and toned to create some semblance of art. It is what it is. On a side note...it looks like your sensor needs cleaning :-)
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Ah yes... the proverbial "Is it art or porn" controversy! I don't good lighting is what necessarily, and always, differentiates the two. I've seen some porn that was extremely well lighted, and obviously done by some top-notch professionals!


For me, one facet that "usually" takes an image out of the porn category and places it into the portraiture, fashion, or fine-art categories, is if it's shot in B&W. God, please don't assume that I'm saying that that these genres HAVE to be shot in B&W! I'm not!


In color, this particular image could easily slip into Playboy magazine. Does that make it pornographic? Does that mean that every image in Playboy is pornographic? To me, no, but I realize everyone has their own definitions. The fact that it's in B&W "pretty much" eliminates it from any man's magazine application though.


Is this image well lighted? Yes, it is. Is seeing a woman's vagina straight on in this manner pornography? To some, yes. To me, no. The vagina is a beautiful part of a beautiful woman, and in my opinion, meant to be viewed and admired that way. But I certainly respect your opinion if you do not.


That being said... if I had to cast this image into only one of the camps, it would have to be in the art camp.

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Guest Guest


So much of a great capture of light here, this is not a shap shot at all, I also like the contrast and tone of this image, wishing you all of the best my friend.
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Again a well executed porn photo. Read my comments on your photo Moon. If this is not straight forward porn, there are no porn.


I appreciate a good nude photo, but photos main focus point is again the genitals and thats where it stops. This type of photography do the gategory nude photography shame.


I believe that you can do "good" nude photography, concentrate on nudes and not porno, then we can enjoy it with you.

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And, please refer to my counter point on Rust Brand's comment on your other photo ("Moon").


And, many of us ARE enjoying it with you! I guess if everyone had the same opinion, it might be a fairly boring world, huh?





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Sad to me, the place that we all come from (and so many of us are trying to get back in!) can have such a negative effect on so many people. The great Porn debate lives on. If this beautiful woman was my wife and I made this image...would that make me a maker of porn? Porn seems to me as subjective as what is art. I guess thats a good thing...


Johnny...nice tones...the depth of field rocks...I like the placement of the subject to the left...The head area of the image is lacking in detail, a little too muddy for my taste......and I agree with M.Swift...time to clean the sensor...I have faith that you'll continue with your art....and that too is a good thing...juan

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