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Clinged to life

paolo de faveri

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I took this picture yesterday evening on my way up to the Col de

l'Iseran, a pass at 2700 m in Haute Maurienne, France. I then decided

to change my plans because, as you can see, my daily storm was

appraching fast and it was very near already... :-)


Your C&C are as always highly appreciated, thanks in advance of your time.


Details: Eos 50D, Tokina ATX-Pro 12-24 f4, B+W 106 (64x), GND 4x,

tripod. 4" @f11. Stitch of 4 vertical frames (I have a 4gb card full

of unsuccessful attempts: this is the only sequence of shots with no

wind blowing!)


P.S. click it LARGER for muche better details

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Truly beautifully seen. DOF is incredible, as is the detail and color. I gave this a very high rating, even though I THINK I see a stitching error, and I believe the ND grad might be a TINY bit too heavy, but the sheer beauty of the image overwhelms any tiny quibbles.


I am curious about one thing, though. Why four vertical shots? From the aspect ratio here, it would seem that two shots would give you the same field of view and resolution. (Three at most.)

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Thanks folks for commenting.

Les, you're right, the field of view here displayed is covered by much less than 4 verticals, 3 are actually more than enough to cover the full image. The point is that when you make panos with ultrawide lenses you need a lot of overlapping between frames just to prevent stitching errors. And in fact, I wanted to ask you: where's the stitching mistake you think to see? I'm curious about that because I just checked the full size image and didn't see any.


Thanks again,


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What a great sucess. This is a wonderful shot. I have had a good look round and I cant see any stitching problems at all. The only thing I would change is the title, I think you mean 'Clinging On To Life'. The balance of PS work and light levels are handled very well indeed PDF, did you get soaking wet?


Sorry I havent been around much, busy yes, but not enough to have a well overdue chat. Hope all is well and I am on for a repeat of last years failed excursion if you are.

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Paolo, hello, beautiful landscape photo, very well captured with the flowers, river and mountains. Great job. Take take.
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I can really appreciate the tough conditions and getting a good usable image.

We have clouds of bugs to contend with up in the mountains where I go.


You really got the Beauty of this place and I find it very enjoyable to look at.

all the best,

Evan Spellman

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Impressive landscape, well composed, stunning focus from close to far, good mastering of the light. But I get the feeling that mother nature would not have put these flowers there ;-). Karl
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Hey Paolo, this is superb. The raging waters of spring runoff are conveyed so effectively. Sounds like Karl is questioning the flowers authenticity. They look believable to me. I imagine that the water level has risen nearly above the banks; those flowers, I suspect, were probably on clear dry land a few days ago. Good work and congratulations on your patience. When you see something this good, patience can pay off big.
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in both concept and execution. I would be at a loss to offer an improvement. Regards.
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To reiterate, I only THINK I see an error, and unless I were looking for them, it would be utterly unnoticeable. On the 'Larger' version of your JPEG, it's located around pixel x=7708, y=5528. And if that's not the ultimate in geekiness, I don't know what is...

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7/7 - a superb image that has been well captured. Those flowers add tremendous impact and yet they look so 'out of place" when observing the scene for others like that. In the end I do believe that they are naturally there and I offer my congrats. I recently got a sigma 10-20mm lens and I have yet to do pans with it but it is good to know that I should be doing more images than normal since it is an ultra-wide lens. Thanks for providing that detail in your comment. have a great day,
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Great photo with excellent composition. I really like the flower on the stone in the foreground, very well seen!
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Superb image! So well composed and beautiful colours.

And I really don't see any stitching! Maybe we have to look at it under a microscope to find one ;)



All the best!

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