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© © Jesse Jenkins 2002

Parked Hummer



© © Jesse Jenkins 2002

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It is an oxymoron, a pseudo military vehicle in a disabled parking space. I wish I liked the photograph, and then I could say something nice about the image to you before beginning my rant....


...but it is an unattractive photo and you are treading on dangerous ground here. Here are some things to think about:


(1) It is none of your business what a disabled person chooses to drive. If they get some pleasure out of driving a Hummer, why not?


(2) All SUVs look ridiculous in the city (to me, here in the U.S.A).


(3) They may be transporting a family member who is disabled. I have a very sweet child who can't walk. (See the photo of Claire in the Single Photos folder of my portfolio) What vehicle is it I should drive that would look ok in the disabled parking space?


(4) Yes, it may just be a guy with a Hummer who just took the disabled spot...that's a different rant.


Let's stick to photography...there is very little of inerest in the photo...big dark areas, and I wouldn't know it was a Hummer unless you told me. Somehow the concrete garbage containers stand out more than the disabled signs. Altogether I think it doesn't work.

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Hmmmm, it must be just you. To me, this picture is missing the human element which might suggest that an oxymoron exists.
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The situation is an oxymoron, the photo is not. It depends on the title.

The robustness of the hummer is not obvious, other elements (garbage bins, white line? in bottom right, lighting in/on hummer, etc) distract from the juxtoposition of vehicle and sign.

Having picked, whined, snivelled, and otherwise bitched, what suggestions do I have?

Well..., maybe moving point of view around to left to hide garbage bins behind vehicle, and low and back with longer focal length for telephoto compression to bring signs and vehicle together and perhaps caught a strong body line or tire curve.

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First Glenn thanks for all your comments and being forthright. It was not my intent to be rude to anyone. After reading your comments I can easily see how the title could do just that.



This photo was taken in Orlando Fl in a hotel parking lot across the street from Sea World. It was a rental. It just struck me as odd that how this SUV (ULTIMATE SUV)is in the middle of a city for people who are staying at a hotel for the holidays. Yes people can drive whatever they want (afford). I'll just put it down as being image concious.


Now for the photo.I know it is not a quality shot. I had to compose like this or have street lights and a theme park in the back ground. Maybe i'll take the trash cans out, they are centered in the photo. S Wan, your comments really sparked some ideas for me and I agree with you. Thanks for all of you comments.



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Another thought, something that might make this work would be if the license plate on the SUV suggested something contrary to the disabled element of the pic (admittedly unlikely). Otherwise it would require somebody physically climbing in/out of the vehicle to emphasise the point you were trying to make.
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s wan i agree. And i wished I could have gotten someone coming out of the vehicle but a 5:30 am it was not something I could arrange. This was a photo of opportunity, I was walking out to my auto to leave. It was a rental and had a handycap sign hanging form the rear view mirror. I have learned with this thread that I should have put more time and thought into this idea. A better presentation would have been the result. But.. it was 5:30.
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