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© © Doug Burgess

Kappie, University of Virginia, 2009



© © Doug Burgess
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Kappie was the 6th participant. The winter coat adds to her size but

she is in fact very petite. There's a streak of light on her left

cheek, which you may object to. See the other images in the series

for more information.

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I'm really enjoying viewing these successive images of your students. I'm glad you didn't remove the poster on the wall. Parallels the blur of figures on the right. I notice that your own position is not totally fixed. The door frame keeps moving anarchically up and down. ;>)
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Rajat, that's not a door frame. I may not have been clear in my original post. That is a poster, an inkjet print of the previous subject, who is in front of a print of the subject before that, etc. It started with a poster of the actor Gael Bernal Garcia, then I went home and printed the photo of Ranjan and posted it over the poster of Gael, photographed a graduate student named Scott in front of that, went home, printed it, posted it the next day, photographed Matthew in front of it, printed it, posted it, photographed Leah in front of it, printed it, posted it, photographed one of our professors in front of it, printed it, posted it, and photographed Kappie in front of it. So, the print behind Kappie is a picture of the professor in front of the picture of Leah in front of the picture of Matthew in front of the picture of Scott in front of the picture of Ranjan in front of the poster of Gael. I could only shoot one person per day because I had to go and make the print. Sometimes it was a few days between one subject and the next.


They were all different heights, too, so I was had to change my angle from time to time, even though I had some of them stand on books, or sit on the table, or schooch lower, and on a couple I had to adjust the print lower, or higher, based on their physicality. The only things that never moved were the lights, that one poster on the left that you asked about earlier.. Plus, the project evolved and it wasn't until about the 10th subject that I finally got it more or less in a routine. So, yes, it was a fluid shooting environment.

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