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© Copyright Kurt Kramer 2009

Shaping Sands



© Copyright Kurt Kramer 2009

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Really. Okay, I appreciate the honest feedback and wish more people throughout photo.net would offer constructive criticism. Thanks.
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Kurt, I appreciate your attitude when faced with criticism! To be quite honest...sometimes I just don't have the time to elaborate on a critique, and at other times...I purposely make very brief comments in order to see what the response of the photographer might be. If my comments result in someone being angry...and/or defensive...then I've saved time that would have been wasted on someone who asks for a critique...but really doesn't want one, unless it's positive. You truly have some nice photos in your portfolio...in my opinion ...this one is just a bit lacking. I see this one as being one of those shots that when you see the scene in person, and take the shot...it seems as though it would be a very interesting, perhaps beautiful shot...but, in the end it just doesn't translate well into a picture. Of course, others may completely disagree with my opinion on this picture...and I'm certainly no Ansel Adams...so take everything with a big grain of salt! All I can say...is that is to repeat that it doesn't hold my attention. All I would hope that would come of my comments is that they would cause you to look...and think about the picture, and not that you change anything. To me, that's what critique should do, i.e., make you rethink what you've done. In the end, you may change nothing, and you may disagree with the critique. I must admit that most of the critiques I get ...I end up not agreeing with. It's not that I know it all...not that I'm not open to criticism, it's just that most of the time I know what I was trying to accomplish in a photograph...and if I didn't feel I had accomplished my goal, I wouldn't have posted it. Anyway...that's my two cents! Hope you're doing well...JG
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