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dream : marmelade women beauty picture made in studio

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With all due respect to Mark and Ruby, I never saw this image that way. Like a Rorshach test, it's how you perceive the world. It never crossed my mind until you both mentioned that. I don't think Mr. Stephane created the image to suggest such. I find a lot of people try to compare pics to things in order to label them (so that they can understand them) rather than enjoy them for what they are; perhaps just beutiful images (maybe just the combination of colors...) Do you try to compare Rothko's paintings or Fellini's movies to real life or just enjoy the beauty and intrique that was created by them. I am very against violence and I see beauty not evil here.



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Interesting perspectives, I must confess I never went into a representing-evil state-of-mind. Actually, my first thought was "cruxifiction" - which goes towards Frank's point of a Rorshach test.


I just love the aesthetics of the image, specially the contrast of the red on the jam and lips against eh pale white-pink of the skin.

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even if it were deliberately designed to disturb that wouldn't invalidate it. the technical mastery and the strength of the reactions here make it a winner. Mapplethorpe-esque.
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it seems to me that the line on the throat is hard to ignore as a suggestion of a slit throat....if the marmalade was just poured or spread across the shoulders then there would be less chance of associating the possibility of violence....but what the hell do I know.
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But the simple fact that there IS a line is what draws the eye. I personally visualize it as a collar on a dress, or a choker necklace. A strip of lace. Maybe it IS death, but such contradiction in using a sweet marmelade to represent it. If you place your hand or a piece of paper to cover from her armpits down, it's striking different. like a sweater. like said before, it's about perception. and i think he's captured something here that evokes a strong emotional response. well done.
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The line on her throat does seem like it is slit. But because the title is "Dream: Marmelade" that makes me think she dreams of slitting her own throat.
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People see what they want to see, where one will see something gory another person might see something nice... For instance I never made a link to a cut throat, but rather I saw a turtle-neck of...marmelade. Shes wearing it, or perhaps we are seeing what the model is dreaming about while doing a photoshoot....:)
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Frank's right, it's all a matter of perception and point of view. so, in my mind it's a camisole and just wait to see how great it looks when she puts on her blouse....leave the top 2-3 buttons open...great lighting, beautiful concept, thanks for sharing. Brad
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I never thought that the violence was against her, It looks like she is the one who just killed and she is making a fashion statment with the blood By wearing it as a shirt.....
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With an expression like that I can hardly imagine her undergoing anything violent. A little spacy, but nothing violent. In any case, very cool picture.
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