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© Mauro Moroni © 2009




© Mauro Moroni © 2009

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It looks fairly good, certainly attracts/holds attention; compositionally too it succeeds in a sense -- the waves rising up, frothing, rushing to smother the unaware body; satisfactory restrained use of color - its just a plain red; if I were to stretch a point I could call it photojournalism -- no head so one can't accuse the photograph of being of the paparazzi kind -- and it has impact with its sensuous contours and the drama of the missing head. The photograph is not hackneyed or boring -- in fact it has a somewhat unusual perspective. And if I were in a magnanimous mood I could consider it amazingly unusual. I don't see such profiles too often, especially without the head (the lower limbs don't matter much) but I do wish the contours of the underside had not been cropped out. As I feel cheated I shan't give it the 7/7 rating I could have.
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La trovo perfetta. E anche molto originale. Fra l'altro fa percepire in maniera chiara e netta - almeno a me - il senso di movimento delle onde, contrapposto all'immobilità ed alla rilassatezza del corpo disteso a prendere il sole. Alla prossima!
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Rajat, if there is something I wouldn't have made it is to make neither you nor anyone else feel cheated! Believe me, please my friend. I don't remember now because yesterday night I decided to crop out the lower side (I haven't my photo library here just now so i cannot control). Tomorrow I will get a glance and try to understand, if any, the reason.

Otherwise, may I ask you because you feel cheated? I thought it was a nice lower end strategy to close the picture with the body of the girl and no with the sand of the shore. Can you give me your honest opinion to the red bikini, please? Thank-you Rajat and c u soon.


Mauro, ti ringrazio anche perché il mio "messaggio" voleva essere proprio questo e mi ha molto sopreso il commento di un collega all'altra foto elaborata a partire da questa che ho pubblicato (red bikini, se la guardi dimmi cosa ne pensi) che ha immaginato che io avessi fotografato un cadavere.

Grazie mille e a presto


Senol, thank-you for visiting and your kind words. Since it's the very first time we meet here (as far as I remember) I go dive immediately in your portfolio to enjoy your works. Can you give me your honest opinion to the red bikini, please? Thank-you Rajat and c u soon.




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mi piace, anche se la versione BN e' piu' agghiacciante e pertanto la preferisco! ciao Elena
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For me the red bikini is a distraction from the fine lines and textures -- so divinely highlighted in your work -- and also, as you draw my attention to it, (the top half) disappointingly hides an agreeable feature of the anatomy -- I mean the mammilla
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Rajat, she is unaware both of the waves and of the photographer and, more, she is an unknown girl on a public beach. I suppose that I had occurred in some problem should I have tried to throw away her bikini, red or not. :-)



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Fortunate for you that she didn't see you, unfortunate for us perhaps that you didn't get shots of the wave caressing the torso, very considerate of you (and this i mean in all seriousness) to leave her face out of the frame. As for the last, its all for the best. One should leave something for the imagination. And of course had you been so audacious as to attempt yanking away the offending article(s) we would surely have missed you on PN for some time...
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As promised you can find here above the uncropped version. I don't think there is any significant difference.



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Mauro y Rajat both are having fun with a very sexy image that catch the eye. EROTICA!!! I ENJOY BOTH the IMAGE & the interaction. Felicidades.
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Oh yes, Mauro, there is! In your original you've drawn a black border where the contours of the underside would have been. In the uncropped version and in the abstract version its a slender arm (again chopped!) that lies coyly afore the torso and nicely leaves the contours to be imagined by us voyeurs (sorry, viewers). Of course in the abstract version you haven't garnered as satisfying ratings as you have here, that (abstract) photograph being cast in "deadly" tones.


On the matter of ratings you would have garnered even more lavish praise here had you not cropped the arm in the original submission.


I think we might cause offense to some with our 'duologue' so lets end it now.

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First of all I think that Jorge should enter as a full member in the club of those people, like Rajat and me I suppose are, that love to smile and to create occasion for making other smiling. Our daily life is sometimes sad or at least boring and I really think that a smile a day keep the doctor away. If this is true, what can a lot of smiles do?


Secondly, Rajat, as you see there aren't "duologues" that cannot become "threelogues" or "multilogues". On the other hand I'm a subscriber, I pay a (small) annual fee as you and as a lot of others do and we are supposed that on "our own" pages (homes?) we can host our friends and chat as far as we like, so don't worry and keep on smiling!



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Caro Mauro, utilizzo questa tua bella immagine, ancora di stagione, per ringraziarti del tuo "raid" nelle mie foto di questi giorni:...grazie per i tuoi commenti e apprezzamenti! Per quanto riguarda il tuo intervento sul mio "mare di Cefalonia", non mi sono assolutamente offeso, fatti nel tuo garbato modo, sono solo piacevoli! Cromaticamente assolutamente non mi dispiace ma, le foto, lo sai, spesso sono emozioni vissute, e il mare di Cefalonia alla baia di Myrtos era come l'ho ripreso! Ciao e sempre grazie. Sei sempre uno dei miei migliori amici!...sara' anche l'assonanza tra i nostri nomi e cognomi!? Bha? Ciao, Mau!
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grazie Mau, in effetti è curioso che due con i nostri nomi quasi antisimmetrici si trovino su un sito ospitato a qualche migliaia di chilometri da casa loro. Deve essere la globalizzazione. :-)



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