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© GLD Graphics 2009

Stork - Prints for sale



© GLD Graphics 2009

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How does this look to you? What would you do different? Thank you

for your time and comments.

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The stork itself is nice, but I don't like the picture. You are asking about what could be improved, and -- in my opinion -- the list is long:



- the background is a mess, and it catches my attention as effectively as the bird;


- something (grass?) in the foreground came in the view;


- the frame is too tight, as feet are cut off, and there is little space over the model's head;


- the light is flat -- I would model it a little by adding shadows to the background and parts of the body, and adding some light to other parts of the body (in case of this particular model, exposing the roundness of the body would be much expected!).

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I disagree with Adam. It requires a lot of patience and effort (Not to mention luck) to catch a wild animal in its natural habitat. In such cases, some times you catch a snapshot of an animal in a place that might not have a nice background or foreground but what matters is the subject. I believe in inspiration and I believe it is a very nice picture and deserves some credit. I thank Gary for sharing this pretty bird’s image with us. Great job Gary.
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Thank you both for the detailed advice. I find both your comments to be valid and helpful. I realize that this picture could be much better but it was taken at the end of what for me was a rather long taxing day. My health no longer allows me to get the pictures I want in the wild. This picture shows a lack of attention to detail and now with your viewpoint to help maybe next time I will be able to remember a few more of those details. Again, thank you.
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