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Horse Racing Miles City 2009


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Appreciate any comments or helpful suggestions. I know its a fairly tight

shot, but it is not a crop. Shot with 600mm f/4 IS.





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Derrick, I'm not qualified to critique photography, but I am qualified to critique horse racing, and you have truly "caught the moment" here ~ GREAT photo! Please, please contact the trainer of this horse and the jockey ~ they would love to have a copy of this photo. The black jockey, Clyde would really like a copy of his photo too! You are now a celebrity on the backside of the Miles City race track! Introduce yourself. These people love your work and want to meet you!!
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Thanks for the words of inspriation Jody. And its nice to put Clyde's name with his photo, thank you for that. I will be there this weekend as well. I will be sure to try and meet folks this time.



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Either one likes the blur of the dirt flying or prefer crisp bits of dirt flying. I tend to like crisp specks of dirt flying. I am guessing, but it looks like the light was somewhat diffuse and required you to use a shutter speed slower that 1/1000 second. It would be also improved if the head of the horse was a little bit crisper. This could also be a little motion blur, but may be from compression. But, the isolated action and moment in the stride is a powerful image.
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Thanks David. I too like a more crisp, frozen action image. This was one of the late races of the day and I was in experimentation mode. I took quite a few of the more traditional high shutter speed shots that day. This shot I lowered the ISO to 200 to drop the shutter speed down in aperture priority. I did an 8x10 print of this shot last night, and it actually looks crisp other than the legs and dirt. Therefore I am assuming much of what we see here is compression. I have decided to avoid horse racing shots with the low shutter speed as the general concensus is to totally freeze the action. Back to ISO 800 I go. Thanks for the input, much appreciated.



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