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Doyran Composition

Pierre Dumas

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Photographer's Request for Critique

--Pierre Dumas

I do!




Laurent Jaussi [subscriber] [Frequent poster] , March 05, 2007; 12:15 P.M.

Hi Pierre


A lovely composition...peaceful and quiet mood is really enjoyable...a timeless classic...thanks for sharing...


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , March 05, 2007; 02:51 P.M. (edit | delete)

Hi Laurent!


It is really calm there nowadays! Even too calm for me! After this shooting I had to seat with my friends I saw nearby and have more than a couple of glasses of brandy, ha! Calm as can be, after that, ha!


Thanks for coming!




Teresa Zafon [subscriber] [Frequent poster] , March 05, 2007; 03:39 P.M.



Yes I agree, beautiful composition and very peaceful... a change of style?. Cheers.


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , March 05, 2007; 05:56 P.M. (edit | delete)

Ah, my lady...


...did Your servant ever have a style?! Just tinkering with the grown up people's tools, that's all!


Happy to have your ladyship on my humble pages again!




Kolby Cole , March 06, 2007; 10:15 P.M.



Now I new you were creative, but this is a mater piece in my book, very calm, and very leading, I keep looking at the scenery through the opening in the old building... Great Great job... Nice to see you posting again... :)


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , March 06, 2007; 11:30 P.M. (edit | delete)

Kolby, my dear - Nice to see YOU posting (commenting) again!


I'm posting all the time, only the last two weeks was absent from the Internet because I was there, in the place on the picture. Which reminded me that I have deleted your comment on my WEB about that place together with a lot of other things. Sorry for that! I had to remake my site and the guest book went away too! You are welcome to write a comment again, of course!


Why don't you mail me sometime!


Cheers to that!




Umapathy C , March 07, 2007; 01:15 A.M.


Excellent Dumas, great location to shoot... and you had made the best out of it.


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , March 07, 2007; 01:26 A.M. (edit | delete)

Umapathy, I invite you to that location!


Imagine: Couple of good buddies with a lantern and bottles of wine in this hut all night long! You may take a closer look at that location on my WEB site. The URL is on my member page!


Cheers to that!




Baerbel Kavanaugh [subscriber] , March 08, 2007; 04:36 P.M.


Wow! This is fabulous! :)


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , March 08, 2007; 06:13 P.M. (edit | delete)

God bless you Baerbel!


If you ever go to Greece, it is on the Greek border and let me know! We may shoot there together! And have couple of beers too!


Cheers to that!




Baerbel Kavanaugh [subscriber] , March 09, 2007; 11:24 A.M.


Pierre, I wished I had received your offer sooner, for I visited some of the Greek islands only a few months ago. Great experience! If you like you can see some of the pics from that trip on my site, they are under 'Mediterranean Impressions'. I love all of your photos - very nice work! Barb :)


Brad Kim [subscriber] [Frequent poster] , March 11, 2007; 09:32 A.M.


Beautiful image, Pierre.... I love the quiet mood. Composition is great! I believe this location will provide many photographic opportunities....


Matthew Ebbers [subscriber] , March 11, 2007; 11:49 A.M.


Excellent photo Pierre. I like how long the walk way is leading to the hut, also the fact that you can see through the building. Very well done. Thanks.


Adam Weklak , March 11, 2007; 01:32 P.M.


Great shot Pierre. I have a lot of coins like the one below, from many different countries. I can be reached at kalkewmada@yahoo.com. Cheers.


Image Attachment: aussiecoincrop1.JPG


Erik Zunec , March 11, 2007; 04:14 P.M.


Fantastic composition. It looks so calm.


Richard Gale , April 20, 2007; 12:45 P.M.


lovely scene it looks like a very relaxing place.


Ankur Thatai , November 24, 2007; 07:05 A.M.



wonderful capture dear.... great composition, light and depth. Most powerful thing in this pic is MOod of ligh.... A peaceful mood. CONGRATS!!! and rest of your photos are also fantastic and you are very good in photo editing.... Regards Ankur Thatai


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , November 24, 2007; 12:43 P.M. (edit | delete)

Wewlcome Ankur and thank you!


I also saw your comment on my portfolio and your idea of learning something about Photoshop editing is not bad at all. I learned it for almost about seven years now. I'm a self taught Photoshopper and I know from my experience that it can be learned faster if one do the asking others or even reading help texts, which I didn;t do and lost much more time in learning only by doing! Since I'm already a teacher (I've been that all my life) and have a school of photography, it is not a bad idea for you to come to my school. Free of charge! Write to me, please so that we could make the arrangements!


Thank you for your so many compliments!




Vittorio Pellazza [subscriber] [Current POW Recipient] , December 02, 2007; 07:14 P.M.


Great use of perspective. Beautiful colours, right for a poster. Congratulations.


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , December 03, 2007; 02:18 A.M. (edit | delete)

Hi Vittorio, long time no see, ha!


Thank you for your visit! Come again some time!




Bert Reitter [subscriber] , January 07, 2008; 12:45 A.M.

Hi Pierre


...this picture appeals to me. Here you have used a natural setting with which to paint a beautiful scene. I love the roughly hewn boards which form the bridge to the mid-distant hut...(beautiful d.o.f.), the fisherman standing up in his boat, probably calling it a day, looking forward to tying up at the fishing hut and still spending the rest of the day doing what pleases him...this, my dear Pierre is a beautiful image.....Bert


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , January 07, 2008; 02:59 A.M. (edit | delete)



The fisherman was parking the boat somewhere to the left of the hut and I took his picture after the picture of the hut and then put him where he belongs according to your taste! See what a trouble you caused me, ha?




Aristidh Shqevi [subscriber] , January 17, 2008; 06:54 P.M.

Doyran Composition


Beautiful picture!It immediately makes you feel the peace and quiet of this tranquil and idyllic place.Many thanks also for your comment on my Lausanne-Towers and Spires.Regards


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , January 17, 2008; 07:06 P.M. (edit | delete)

Welcome Aristidh and thank you for your nice comment!




Aleksandra Jovanovic , July 01, 2008; 10:20 A.M.


.. pokusavam da zamislim kako ovo mjesto izgleda u svitanje.. kada se ne cuje bas nista, a voda pomalo isparava..


Vrlo je interesantan nacin na koji si ukomponovao mostic. Imam osjecaj da mi je odmah tu pred stopalima, da mogu da zakoracim u fotografiju. Aleksa :))


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , July 01, 2008; 06:11 P.M. (edit | delete)

I ja to samo mogu da zamishljam jer sam lenj i nikad...


...nisam ustao tako rano da prikzhem kako to izgleda. Ali zato lezhem tako kasno! Samo su snimci napravljeni odozgo sa mog balkona!


Evo jedna takva fotografija:


Image Attachment: fileCWRLj5.jpg


Aleksandra Jovanovic , July 02, 2008; 10:17 A.M.

Pierre, srecnice jedan!!!


Wow!! Hocu i ja tvoj balkon :)) Srecan si koliko si tezak sto zivis pored vode (moj san) i ja ti ovom prilikom priznajem da ti strasno zavidim!!! .. i nije to nesto na sta sam ponosna, ali je fakat i mora se priznati! Molim te, ustani jedno jutro rano, pa za mene malo uzivaj u svitanje :))


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , July 02, 2008; 11:09 A.M. (edit | delete)

Lepo, znachi da sam sreccan 114 kg, ha!


Ne treba da ustajem rano, ja lezhem rano, a i ne zhivim tamo, povremeno samo! To leganje rano zanchi u svitanje, sem ako se naljoljam, onda lezhem kad padnem, ha!




Aleksandra Jovanovic , July 02, 2008; 02:43 P.M.

Boemski zivot!!


Ima li ista ljepse!?! :))))


Victor Wei , August 03, 2008; 05:39 P.M.

Nice DOF


Stunning contrast and superb framing. Thanks for commenting and rating my photo.


Holger Stelljes [subscriber] [Frequent poster] , March 25, 2009; 06:31 P.M.


This is awesome. We are lead to the house and then can see through it. And the man in the boat is he waiting or watching, hmm. Good work. Regards, Holger


Marlee Kauffman [subscriber] , March 25, 2009; 09:16 P.M.

Hi Pierre,


I have really enjoyed looking at your portfolio. I especially like this image. Very nice work.



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I was trying to shoot something similar recently and your composition gave me a great idea on how to do it better. Beautiful photo, this goes in my favourite folder!

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