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© Not for commercial use

Arriero Andaluz


Handheld. Colours enhanced with selective colours in PS.


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I would like to point out that this is a scan of a 31 years old slide. Don't ask, as a consequence, for lots of details and colour definition... even if I have been reasonably careful with its storage during those years and some six changes of residence in five different countries...
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A gorgeous lady, very good photographer, have had the kind attention to rework my pic enhancing the faded colours. She prefers to keep her identity hidden (not to provoke any jealousy among my fellow male photographers) and that's why I post her kind work for reference. Thanks Milady!

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It must have been great to be there without all the tourists. I like the shot. I am wishing for a little less foreground maybe by panning the camera up just a touch to include a little more sky. Or maybe waiting a little more and letting them walk into your lower frame a little more. Of course you may not have desired them to be stronger as your subject. I've attached an image with some additional correction in PS to get rid of the faded look. Let me know what you think.

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Alberto, personally I look at your work from time perspective (1971) and your approach to take your magic moment, fascination with local scenery. You have done perfect work. It was different times, different photographic technology, development and films too. In all accounts this is a very good picture!
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After the PS adjustments here, the picture actually looks very good. I would just have waited that the donkey would have arrived closer to camera - a bit too much of empty floor imo. Still, good shot overall. 5/5 for what I see, 5/6 for the amended versions posted in this thread. Regards.
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I recognize that there is a lot of empty street in the foreground. Let me explain, however two reasons why I posted the full frame without any cropping:

First, because, when I took this photo (and this I remember well because I really expected it to be special) I thought that if I waited for the donkey to be nearer me I might lose the muleteer -and I remembered the number of photos lost due to excessive waiting for a better moment-.

Second, I did crop it and the result didn´t convince me. Perhaps because by cropping you lose the wonderful cobblestones of that time (you may imagine that this street is to-day, covered by a smooth layer of macadam)

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Nice curves and lines, hard shadows. I like this one a lot. Reminds me of the works of a painter... whose name I can't recall.


I think you have the horse+man at the right distance and emphasis. I don't think they should be any more prominent.

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No, yo desde luego no la cortaría a mi me gusta ver toooodo ese camino que tiene por delante el buen señor y su mula por recorrer. Da una sensación del esfuerzo que tienen que hacer. Si lo cortases, eso sería una especie de primer plano de la pareja, una foto distinta vaya.
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Esto de acuerdo con Charo, una de las cosas que le da fuerza a la foto es el camino que le queda por subir. Me parece una gran foto de contrastes, el azul, al balanco y el marron, ademas de en una imagen contar una historia.
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Esta imagen ha ido mejorando en los sucesivos retoques que se le han hecho en sus tonalidades, por que no la subes de nuevo en otra versión independiente y podemos votarla todos como se merece? ;-)
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Muito bonita sua foto, luz, composição e cores.

Conheço Andaluz apenas através de uma maravilhosa

música classica de autor espanhol, que não lembro

o nome no momento. Gosto muito do Flamengo também. Obrigado pelo seu gentil comentário. Um abraço.

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It reminds me of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico in the 1960's. Can't do it now, not with all the tourists. Thanks for the memories.
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Oui c'est vraiment l'effet que cela donne, une vie tranquille, hors du temps, loin de la folie urbaine. Une photo magnifique comme on aimerait en voir plus souvent !
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De los cuatro muleros

que van al campo,

el de la mula torda,

moreno y alto.




De los cuatro muleros

que van al agua,

el de la mula torda

me roba el alma.




De los cuatro muleros

que van al río,

el de la mula torda

es mi marío.




¿A qué buscas la lumbre

la calle arriba,

si de tu cara sale

la brasa viva?







Federico García Lorca



Me acordé de este poemita al ver tu foto linda y evocadora. Felicitaciones!

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Alberto.. it's amazing to see how Arcos looked 30 years ago! And here I thought what I saw was still very old and untouched. Perspective makes all the difference, doesn't it? I really like this photo, it's perfect. I wish I could've seen it then.. I have one more photo of Arcos, have you seen it? Here's the link: Arcos What a difference 30 years make!!
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Pero Alberto no dejabas PN...Es un buen documento grafico,aunque seguramente hoy en dia a�n se veran.Estoy seguro que ahora que dominas mejor las herramientas "tu escaner y el PS" la mejorarias.Si por algo se ha caracterizado la Kodacrome 25/64 ha sido por su saturacion y brillo,en la original que nos muestras esto se ve algo apagadillo...Como encuadre la veo muy guapa!
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Gracias Mario, No volveré a subir una foto nueva aquí. Y lo que ocurre con esta foto hoy en PN es una buena prueba de mis razones.

Y respecto a tu comentario te diré que tienes razón en lo del Potochop pero no en lo del escáner. Aquel escaner plano (que todavía tengo y uso para documentos planos con calidad más que aceptable) no sirve para documentos transparentes como negativos o diapos. Es una cuestión de insuficiente iluminación y de incapacidad para enfocar.

La cosa buena que ese escáner tuvo con mis diapos es que me obligóa a aprender a escanear! Pero si en el pozo no hay agua nuca conseguirás beber de ese pozo...

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