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© © Doug Burgess

Samantha 2108



© © Doug Burgess

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well done !!! "Softness " is whats take attraction here.


Beautiful model and well chosen BG.


Cheers !

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Yes, more of these and fewer self portraits. ;-)


This is an interesting pose. It's hard to find people with good looking elbows. In the end I think it is distracting and would be better if the arm was a little more to the side instead of straight on. Not much detail on the brightest highlights on this monitor so there is more detail in the background than on the subject.


The model is beautiful and that is plenty for most people unless of course you are trying to stand out from a lot of other photos of beautiful models then it needs to be well, perfect.

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What? You mean you'd rather look at a picture of a gorgeous young woman than a picture of me?



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Guest Guest




Samantha is very pretty - Nicely sharp focus on her eyes - Her make-up is quite well done, but her eyeshadow makes her eyes look a little sunken - Nice lighting on her face - She has a nice expression and good eye contact with the camera (viewer) - Very good composition.


She has pretty eyes, but needs catch lights to make them come alive - I would put the background a little out of focus to better separate Samantha from the background - The lack of detail in her dress doesn't bother me as much as her right hand being brighter that her face (it draws my attention to her hand and away from her face) - You have the flat of her right hand towards the camera (If you would turn her hand so that more of the edge was towards the camera her hand would appear thinner, more graceful and more feminine) - Someone has already mentioned that they didn't like the way you posed Samantha's left arm - Having her twist her arm so that her elbow is pointed towards the camera is neither graceful nor feminine looking - Because her elbow is posed nearer the camera than any other part of her body it will appear larger that it should (It is not a good idea to draw attention to her elbow).


You have her posed straight on to the camera. This shows her at her widest part - from hip to hip. If you would have her turn a bit the pose would have a similar effect as turning her hand on edge; more slimming, more graceful and more feminine. It would also allow her to better show her figure.


Your logo is not part of the photograph. It belongs on the mat.


Nice shot,



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ack! Mark, I feel naked before your scrutiny!


I see and agree with everything you say except with regards to the logo. I don't put it on prints, but I insist on including it when posting my imagery online.


There's nothing I can do with the way her arm, elbow and hand are posed, I will have to chalk them up to mistakes to avoid in future shoots, but there are surely corrections I can make in terms of lighter here, darker there, less focus here.


Thanks very much for your keen eye.

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