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Enchanted Forest


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Technical Discussion: One exposure to keep the highlights in check and most of the shadow detail. Another exposure blended for just the shadow details. Both exposures diffused slightly using my condesation technique in the field (which means fogging up your lens two thirds the way through an exposure). The finished image was then diffused selectively in very small amounts using my 'glow' variation of the Orton effect (which involves taking a much more blurred, much brighter and contrasty image and layering it over the highlights at extremely low opacity). The diffusion and careful exposure blending is what makes shooting in such strong backlight possible. The image would not have worked as well without the light. Dodge/burning, curves, other stuff for textures and contrasts. 1Ds III, 22mm, polarizer.
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A very beautiful photo, the light and shadow play is great. Thanks so much for your description of how you achieved such an image. Congrats and thanks again for sharing you knowledge.
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I am glad that you share your technique with us. When I first looked on the image, I was not sure whether there was mist softening the scene. Are you not afraid of damaging the lens by fogging it ? One thing that I like very much is the mix of short and long exposure, resulting in glowing drops in the veil of the blurred waterfalls. I tried something like that once, with film but less success. Your shadow/highlight control is very good here and the look is natural.
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Marc, given a contrasty situation like this, I would probably would have simply put the camera back in the bag. Again, you've given me something to think about. I appreciate it.
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Peter, thanks for your comment. A couple things: No, I can't see how blowing a little fog onto my lens would damage it. I've been doing it for years since a mistake up in the Olympic rainforest where I accidentally got some moisture/condesation on my lens worked to create an unusually dreamy effect on the scene. Regarding the water droplets, my exposure for all water areas and most of the land here was .6 of a second. I also made a 2 stop exposure for some shadow detail areas, but the water was all the same shot. The reason you can see individual droplets in such a long exposure is that while they only caught the sun and sparkled for just glimpse of the exposure, they were so bright in comparison to the rest of the image they were recorded effectively during the longer exposure. I would describe it like catching a lightning bolt with a 30-second exposure. If it's bright enough, it will show up anyway.
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I like very much the result, and as happening in most of your work, it has a very natural feeling so far of the rudimentary blending skills that some people like to show us here. About the result, I only can say I'm very impressed. For my taste, the drops on the flow of the left are the only thing that can be improved, but surely is only a personal preference (probably I prefer a more silky fg).

About your technical explanation, I only can say thanks for it, really!! I like very much the foggy conditions, and the last autumn I tried to play fogging up my front filters. Obviously I don't any comparable result with yours... (this is the bad photo I obtained), but reading your description I think I will continue exploring this way.


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Marc... Your technical explanation is very much appreciated and our hats off to you for not treating techniques like state secrets. The long and short of any method, in my opinion, is that the final result represents the natural scene. I have seen many of these scenes in the forest and can truly believe this is what you were seeing (minus the milky water, of course).... A wonderful image that just takes me there - I have no higher compliment... Mike



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As allways, an incredible beauty .. I Love the "fog" effect and the way you proceed it slightly ; the light entrance is nice on the moss and I also like your choice of exposure time for the water here .

It's very kind to explain us your technical details . I appreciate.

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Marc, Thanks for sharing your image. Not only is it a fabulous image in it's own right but it lead me to your portfolio which is nothing short of inspirational. You have spurred me on to bigger and better things!


Best wishes, Steve

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Excuse my ignorance and misuse of language. I think there are two exposures, high lights and shadows with the two lens tarnished.

To join the two as you do, maybe layered.

Thanks for your time..

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Congratulations Marc on being chosen for the Editors' Picks: Spring Photography. This is a magnificent image. Best wishes, Linda

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