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© Hannah


amy masters

the only change is to make it B&W and a bit of highlight.


© Hannah

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This was taken at Easter. I turned it B&W and highlighted it a

bit...please let me know what you think. comments a critiques are

always welcome. THANK YOU!

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Delightful image of a pretty little girl. Pictures like this go into family albums so someday she can show her children what she looked like when she was small like them. In terms of photographic craftsmanship I would like to suggest changes for your next picture. Your background is cluttered - we see part of another person,some dark unidentifiable objects. You can use a larger f/stop (smaller number) to blur the background or use PhotoShop to imitate that effect with the existing photo. I will upload a quick and dirty P/S change to show you what is possible - it is not a finished product.


Her right eye is dead center in the image - consulting any of the on-line works on photo composition would suggest a better placement. Essentially she needs more space in the direction she is looking. Her hair is so dark it has lost texture. Either a reflector (white paint on a cardboard sheet) used to lighten shadows during picture taking or a fill flash would help this.

Some people feel that the nose line should never touch, come close to or overlap the far cheek. They call it an error named "a split profile." This picture features the split profile. Many younger photographers do not accept this as an error - so you can make up your own mind. I was trained to regard it as such and even worked for a portrait photographer who told me he would fire me if I produced a split profile.





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Thank you. very interesting points. acctually this shot was not planned. The light was really interesting... they way it filtered in through the door...i didn't use my flash as it bothered her little sister..


i do understand what you man by a "split profile" and i see what changes you made in your critique... i do agree, and had it have been a staged or planned shot, i would have worked to achieve a better angle and lighting.


hopefully i will have the opportunity to photograph her in a way that is not just a snap-shot...i had the idea, with the lighting.. but it just didn't quite work.

plus she just looked so angelic with the light on her like that. =p she's 2.. angelic moments are often all i get. =)


thank you again! it is really most appreciated.

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