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"Dog Days Hayley"

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It was one of thos terribly humid days in July....While Gardening, I

happened to turn around and there was Hayley...(you're only seeing

the 'wrought iron arm' of this chair)....how she arrived at this position, I'll

never know...but ther she was almost suspended on the arm...her body

hanging down to the seat. I suppose somehow it seemed cooler to

her...but by her expression, you can tell she was not too empressed....even

her shorter hair was not helping on this blistering day.....comments


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Thanks for your kind comments about Hayley. She sure was my 'special girlfriend'.....don't feel bad.....if you look on my Pets and Animals File.....I did a tribute to her a few days ago. 2 Years ago a few days before Good Friday....a Pup who pranced along like she was (struttin' her doggy' parts)...suddenly became very lethargic....She had a heart murmur so we knew we only had 6 1/2 mos to 1 1/2 years if that to have the 'blessing' of her in our lives. During the 'dog food scare' (and she was always fed expensive food from our Vet.....so I don't think that is it).....but normal morning walks along the bluffs, here along Lake Ontario where we live....well...she could only walk not even half a block. We have her a little "pepto bismul" thinking she'd eaten something that upset her stomach....during the days that followed as we nursed her.....she got to the point where she could not eat....even drink ....the vets were closed except one that would have charged @ 2grande to keep her alive....(THAT WAS NOT A CHOICE!!)......during those days, with much sadness, I noticed the 'warmth of her body' was not always by my side as I relaxed on the couch....or at my feet while on the computer.....she actually has found a place in the house...where I instinctively knew....she had chosen.....her place to die.


It broke my heart......she would not even go to sleep at night, she would just sit up in bed and stare forward....(we had her leashed with comforters all around as her 'plumbing was not the best'.......I think she was scared of going to sleep....not yet ready to leave us......but on the Saturday, I called our Vet.....and he had us come in for a visit. He knew what our choice would be......but that little pup in that pic wash a 'hoot'....with a sharp bark...if I was on the couch at night, she would jump down, stare me in the face.....and demand that I play with her. Don't think I'm crazy...cos I had a 'ball' and so did she...I'd have her sit with my husband....go hide....then call her, and she'd race to find me. I usually would come up behind her and yell "Boooooo!!!"....Once she caught me off guard, I was on my hands and knees, peeking around a corner.....she'd snuck up behind me and just 'yelped'!! Scared tthe 'crap' out of me.....and I'd swear she was grinning from ear to ear......in a little dog.....with an immense unconditional love.....I felt I'd truly touched the face of God....I've never known another love like that .....in my entire life....my arms are empty now.....but I realize I need anohter Bichon....The breeder has kept in touch with me...wants me to write an ariticle on 'grieving' .....for her website....."Normandy Bichons".....she made a 'mark' on my heat....and I have tucked her away in a spot....a 'safe harbor' where notthing can ever cause her pain again.....thankyou for your patience with me......going on...and on.....I guess that's what 'loosing' a PERFECT LOVE does to you.....I am now ready to share my life with anohter.....I need that little ball of fluff to 'welcome' me when I come home, and share my Photo Hikes with.......thankyou for your comments....she was adorable.....I'll post anohter pic of her but is is a scan.....so its kind of 'crappy'....but the difference in her look when she is 'cut'short to her full coat is phenominal......on her walks, we would stop by a neighbors who owned a parrott.....they loved each other...and exchanged kisses whenever they met up.....crazy dog......she was a great dog....and is sadly missed....cheers....'sappy, Gail'.......tnks

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Lovely scene with a delight of presentation and colors. The dog expression is unique. I like the b/w - color combination. High quality work, Gail. Congrats!
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I am so sorry to hear about your loss , it really hit a spot as the owner of 5 dogs and having had dogs all my life.My first dog at the age of 13 was a maltese terrier and he was like Hayley , we would play hide and seek so i know what you mean, when they are gone it is a big big gap .... Hope the new pup arrives soon and we get to see his/hers beautiful photos. take care my friend.
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Thankyou BC, when I was a teenager we had a Maltese and Poodle mix, (Buffy) and she was a real love too. My goodness you have 5 dogs...how nice....my husband does not want to get another one till we get moved (Hs for sale) but that could take months....and we had our home for sale last year.....but the deal fell through...so I've been almost a year without a 'little one'.......hope it happens soon....you are so kind and have such a big heart....thankyou BC your words hit home. sincerely, Gail
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Well I'm sure Hayley would thankyou for that 'lovely' compliment.....but your date would have to be 'Heavenly'.......you just may want to wait awhile......tnks Tony!!!
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I hope I am not intruding by doing this but this is a shot of my ones I took years back and wanted to share with Hayley. The one in blue t-shirt unfortunately passed away last year, he was the dad ... Cookie and the one in pink are their mum .... Coco and the rest are the babies. There is a new edition,I will post a photo of her in the near future too, take care my dear friend.

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I am so sorry....I just saw at this moment your comment on my 'Hayley Photo'....and the attachment. I just looked at the photo you attached....They are so beautiful.....I am sure Hayley is playing with their Dad at this moment. I find it very touching that you would share this with me.....but I feel so badly that I just saw it now.....just you positng it would have brought back many emotions.....you are a good friend B.C Okeman..you see so far beyond what others can not see ....just in front of them.....thankyou from my heart.....Gail
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HI Gail,  Thank you for visiting my port, the kind words and your support :)

As I browse through your port, I find an Amazing array of creativity and inspiration...

I saw two pieces that stuck out for me that I will put in my favorite folder...If you don't mind.


Thank you again for being so kind.



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Ah, you too have been touched by a Bichon!!! I just saw your comment Sal. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving those lovely words. We have another Bichon now, Abbey and she is a real Love, has healed so many feelings of 'loss' yet I do miss 'my Hayley' still.

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