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Apse, St. Patrick's Cathedral, NY


1/20 s @ f/4.0 ISO 1600. Handheld

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A very dark cathedral, probably because it is dwarfed and darkened by

towering buildings on all sides. Pushing the limits for handheld

photography! 1/20s @ f/4, ISO 1600.

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Hallo Rick, very good work, it seems to me that is moved to the right and the shadow on the bottom left side bothers me a little, well done Rick , best regards // Salvador
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...Thanks for your comments, it is so useful to know how others see ones photos. I think I must be getting sloppy! I hadn't really noticed the shadow in the LH corner, but it is easily removed either by cloning or burning. Centering the altar rail in PS is quite easy too. In taking a closer look at the composition, however, I removed the altar rail all together and in my mind this looks a whole lot better - with the rail you feel excluded and confined. Cropping out the rail opens up the apse and gives back the space and volume to the picture. Thanks again Salvador, your comments have made me think this one through. Cheers, RickDB

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Wonderful shot of this magnificent Cathedral....so beautiful.....your lighting is great as is your attention to detail.....(is this the Cathedral that has the sculpture of the'roots of the 911 tree on display outside???) Great shot!
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Thanks for your kind comments! The bronze sycamore root sculpture by Steve Tobin is displayed outside St. Paul's Chapel in the financial district. Opposite St. Patrick's is a bronze figure of Atlas holding up the world. Cheers! RickDB
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