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The Mother 2


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Rajat tell me about the skin tones, I feel that it has room for improvement. What do you think. I love the fact that you have put me to think in order to improve! I find this image perfect, clear and with a great expression. Tell me more. Regards.
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Hi Jorge, there is always room for improvement. I'm still learning. The day I stop learning will be the day I stop being a person of any merit. About her. She is a dark-skinned person. If you see the color photograph titled The Mother in my Slumshots folder you'll get an idea of her complexion. Did you notice the angle I've shot her from? This is my homage to her. I met her and spoke to her, I learnt about her life from the social worker accompanying me. She is one tough lady. You can see it in her face. I wished to bring that out but with compassion and understanding, so the shot from below, looking up to her, and the choice of tone, light, everything. Note the strong jaw line, the shot from below draws attention to it. The forehead, eyes, expression, jawline -- all bear testimony to her character.


This is not an "arranged" shot. Just luck and readiness.

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I just saw it. Thanks, man, for the 7/7! You know I'm not into the reciprocal thing, still you did it. This makes my day.
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Fantastic portrait of this woman... Strong and intesive expression... The color tones fits the image beautifully.... Great work....


Best Regards, Jill

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It is a strong portrait with a very good expression, timing and angle. I like the color palette as well. Well executed.

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